Entrepreneur Alec Sellem Discusses Innovations in the Global Gold Mining Business


Alec Sellem, the CEO and founder of Sellem Industries LLC,  a London-based gold mining company whose operations are primarily focused in sub-Saharan Africa joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Alec Sellem discuss the following:

  1. How long have you been working in the global gold mining industry?
  2. How were you able to break into the industry in Africa and establish a successful company, Sellem Industries?
  3. What aspects of global business do you find the most interesting?
  4. You recently spoke on a United Nations panel on Energy Laws in Africa, can you tell us about that experience and some of the biggest takeaways from that discussion?
  5. Can you tell us more about your concept of creating an incubator for artisanal mining?
  6. As the founder and CEO of Sellem Industries, what are some of the company’s accomplishments that you are the proudest of?

As CEO of Sellem Industries, Alec Sellem created the strategic vision of the company and established strong partnerships with energy conservation and business-minded professionals. Sellem Industries works closely with trade and business operations partners in Africa. Throughout his career, Sellem’s primary focus has been on security strategies and technology, which led him to several successful startups before founding Sellem Industries. Originally from France, Sellem completed his primary education in Switzerland at Institut Le Rosey before spending most of his professional life in Africa.

Sellem recently joined the panel of Energy Laws in Africa at the United Nations headquarters in New York, NY. He spoke on finding a better solution to grow and structure the energy law in Africa for foreign companies to work with African governments.


Website: sellemindustries.com

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