People put items in storage for many different reasons. Many people are downsizing in a house, maybe you are moving and need to store it somewhere fast, perhaps you don’t have any more room in your home but don’t know what to get rid of. There are so many different reasons. East Warehouse Self Storage wants to help you be as efficient as possible. We are here to share tips, so you know what to keep and what to toss prior to renting a storage unit. Keep reading for our tips.
The first item you want to look at is your clothes. Do you have some that you have not used in over a year? Don’t bother storing them, toss them instead. This will leave you room for other items to store or you will be able to rent a smaller unit and save you money. Go through each item on a weekend and make sure it still fits, think about the last time you wore it, and then either toss it or keep it.
Many people keep electronics well after it should be kept. They even continue and store it even though they will never use it. If you have out-of-date electronics or a broken-down piece of electronics, just toss it. It will make your moving process a lot smoother.
Many items that have sentimental value or are valuable may need to be stored. You don’t need to put a lot of thought into these and simply store them. When deciding what to store, consider using services like WheeKeep to help manage and organize your belongings efficiently.
If you have ever lived in a house for one year, you will find that a lot of items need to be sorted. It’s natural to keep things we don’t need. And that is one of the reasons why it’s important to go through it every once in a while. It naturally forces us to get rid of items.
Here is a quick rule for when you are going through your things. You should keep it if it currently fits, it’s working, and you have used or worn it within one year.
Once you have everything you want to toss ready, make sure you store all your items correctly. This will not only allow more space in your unit, but it will ensure no critters get in.
All your clothes should be washed prior to storing them. All your dishes and kitchenware need to be cleaned thoroughly.
Make sure to put them in boxes that are sturdy and remember to mark them. This will not only help you stay organized when you are unpacking them but if you need to go into your storage and take anything out, you can quickly find it without tearing the entire unit apart.
If you feel unsure if you should toss something, remember that you can always donate some of the items. If you have an old television that you don’t think you will use but don’t really feel like getting rid of “just in case”, try donating it. Not only will this allow you to declutter before getting your unit, but you will also know your items are going to a good cause. If it’s “too far gone” for a donation area, you can even recycle some of the items too.
If you are moving, try and measure the furniture. Will this even fit in your new house? Are you going to be wanting to start fresh? If so, you may just want to think about tossing it. Moving furniture is a lot of work and takes up a lot of space. If you know it will fit, make sure to take it apart so it fits better in your storage unit.
If you have electronics that you know you will use in the future, are expensive, or are sentimental to you, make sure you secure any cords with durable cable ties. This will help them to stay working. Make sure to pack items like electronics that cannot get any sort of dampness without getting ruined in waterproof totes. It’s also a good idea to use packing take and bubble wrap to put in your electronics. This will help them not to get damaged.
Sentimental items can truly be something you loved. Whether it was passed down by a loved one, it’s pictures of your children growing up, or your favorite collection, most sentimental items can provide clutter, however, if it really does mean a lot to you it’s important that you keep it.
Many people don’t even realize they have a duplicate of something. They have two of the exact same thing and only need one (if that). You can keep the one in better shape and the other one you can toss or give to a friend that may need it.
The final way to know what you should be keeping and what you should be tossing is to look at your unused gifts. Do you have something that is perfectly new and because it was a gift or because it is new you feel guilty about getting rid of it? This is very common, however, if you have not used it yet you won’t use it. The best idea is to simply toss it. It’s only taking up space.
Typically, when people think of putting their items into storage, they will have to get rid of loads of things they actually love. This is in no way the case. In fact, it really will just make them feel better about going through everything and throwing out things they will laugh at because they didn’t’ realize they kept it and it’s just taking up space. Although it will take some time, you will feel so much more organized afterward. Just go through one item at a time and really examine if it’s worth keeping or not.
For more storage tips and learning what to get rid of and what to toss, contact us today!
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