Just a few years ago, links (any links) were the main indicator that helped Google recognize your website’s authority and relevance – but today, it’s more about the quality of your content and user experience. However, that doesn’t mean that you should give up on links overall. Link-building should be an integral part of any SEO strategy – but just remember that there’s more to it than just getting some backlinks to your website on different web pages.

Following suspicious backlinking advice you’ve found on the web, such as exchanging links, might do you more harm than good and even lead to getting penalized by Google. That can be avoided if you create the right link-building strategy – and ensure that all your links are high-quality. But what exactly are those high-quality links? Here are a few characteristics to look out for:
The primary purpose of a link is to show the relationship between content on several websites. When a web page links to your website, it shows that your content has some value and relevance to its readers.
As such, you need to make sure that all the links are relevant to the content on your website and to where the link is posted. Only then will users be likely to click on them; plus, Google will recognize the authority of your page.
While search engines consider many factors when determining the link’s relevancy, we recommend ensuring the content where your link is placed has some of your keywords in the text, title, and/or meta tags. For example, if you’re selling fitted jeans, try to reach out to the websites that specialize in the fashion and clothing niche, and ensure that the article where your link will be placed will have the phrase ‘fitted jeans’ (or any other keyword you’re using) in the text.
Pro tip: For some niches, it can be challenging to place relevant keywords in the text – or even find a website that will put a link (for instance, if you’re selling adult toys) – which will require more effort. You can check https://huskyhamster.com/services/premium-outreach to see how a professional link-building company deals with the issue and consider if you need help.
If you want to establish yourself as an expert in a certain field of activity, it’s essential to make sure that the links you get are relevant and unique. If you run a web-based e-commerce shop, for example, and have around ten links leading to your website, make sure they are placed on ten different pages. This will make the content seem organic, and Google won’t even consider it a potentially reciprocal link.
Moreover, check how many links are there in the content – if there’s too much, your link will feel forced or irrelevant. Instead, try to place your link on a website that rarely links out to others.
The authority of a website is one of the main factors Google takes into account when calculating the page’s relevance and ranking. If you want to get a high-quality link to your website, ensure it’s placed on a reputable domain.
Fortunately, there are many tools available that allow you to check this – for example, Moz’s Domain Authority, Moz Page Authority, or Ahrefs Website’s Authority Checker. All those calculate the website’s authority on a scale from 1 to 100, so you can choose something that suits your needs.
High Traffic
The more traffic the link receives, the more authority it has. When many people click on it, Google considers the link as useful for readers. To get top-level backlinks to your website, you should look for pages that receive a lot of traffic, as more people will see your link and be more likely to click on it. However, keep in mind that such websites usually expect excellent content in return.
Link placement is also important for traffic generation. If your link is found at the footer of the content, it won’t be as valuable as that placed at the beginning or the middle of a text.
One Way
If you want to have a successful linking strategy, never ever exchange links with other websites. Yes, this concept might seem effortless – you do something for me, and I’ll do something for you. But Google sees it differently.
For the search engine, such exchange is a link scheme that goes against their Webmaster Guidelines. All links that are acquired via non-natural means can get your website penalized. So we say it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Nevertheless, some users find link exchange useful. If you want to give it a try, make sure to collaborate only with relevant websites in your niche, provide organic links, and overall keep reciprocal links to a bare minimum.
Shared by Users
Social media signals are also necessary for Google today. The more people like and share your content on Facebook or Twitter, the better it will seem for the search engine. It’s because social media serves as a kind of filter that determines the relevancy of your content. If web users like your articles and want to share them with others, it means it’s valuable.
The best way to ensure that your link is shared is to place it on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account right after publishing the content. This can significantly boost your relevance and authority.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there is more to link-building than just getting some links here and there. If you want your link-building strategy to succeed, it’s crucial to think about link quality beforehand. Find the right website, ensure that your link is organic, look for a place with high traffic, and make it shareable on social media.
All those are simple yet highly effective tips that will boost your links’ quality – and your SERP rankings. We hope you achieve your SEO goals – and good luck.