Renting sports gear all through geotargeting with a mobile app

Michael Roloff, the Chief Executive Officer of Rental Pal, sports gear, when you want it joins Enterprise Radio.  A newer concept today is to rent sports gear all through geotargeting with an app with Rental Pal.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is in association with the Mobile App Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Michael Roloff discuss the following:

  1. Please describe Rental Pal in your own words. How was the company first founded?
  2. What are the benefits of renting equipment over purchasing?
  3. Describe how the site works?
  4. What type of gear can you rent on the site?
  5. Are there any competitors in the marketplace and why do you believe Rental Pal is a disruptor to the industry?
  6. What about safety. Is it safe to rent equipment from strangers or what is your advice to those that may be nervous about renting equipment via an app?
  7. You also have a program where you help business owners rent sports equipment. What are the benefits for store owners using Rental Pal?
  8. For those who are starting new businesses, is there any advice you can provide from your own experience to ensure that the business is off to the right start?

Michael Roloff is the Chief Executive Officer of Rental Pal. As a former amateur skateboarder and young entrepreneur, Roloff is an expert when it comes to sports rental equipment. Roloff spent over 16 years as a professional skateboarder but his career was cut short due to a knee injury.  He is an avid sportsman and has rock climbed, played baseball, football and Jiu Jitsu.

Michael graduated from the College of San Mateo with a Business Administration and a Computer Science degree. He has dedicated time to the sports community by teaching skateboarding lessons. Prior to founding Rental Pal, Roloff was a product manager for an app called Media Monster. He also made  rented out snowboards, surfboards and various of my sports equipment on sites such as Craigslist and Facebook. Roloff also had a previous start up called Easy Target Design in which clothing was designed for high school sports teams and clubs and eventually led to being purchased by an art group in Los Angeles, California.



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