You probably have a good idea of what it takes to have an excellent and effective website – it has to be attractive and appealing, of course, and it also has to be user-friendly. These are all a given for any website to be successful. But along with this comes the effectiveness of your website’s search ranking – the higher its ranking, the better, for instance. Websites also need to contain relevant information so your visitors will remain and perhaps even decide to do business with you. But what else can you do to make your website a success? There’s more to having a successful site than you may think. Here, then, is your ultimate guide to designing the best website in 2020.
Look at the content
Whether you are choosing to revamp or remake your existing website or build a new website for your new business, you may be all too tempted to focus on the fonts, colours, typography, images, and the like. And whilst these aspects are important, you should go beyond this and look at the content as well.
Your website content will say a lot about what you are as a business and brand, and your content should, therefore, resonate with your audience and make an impact. For instance, whilst it’s all well and good to brag about what you have done and talk about your history as a company, you should also make it a point to help your visitors. By this, we mean giving them content that helps them understand or accomplish something or solve an issue. The key is to write for your target audience and not yourself. Blog posts are a good way to start as they not only let visitors learn more about you; they can also inform users about new processes, practices, and ideas, which, in turn, makes you more credible in your industry as well.
Formulate a well-designed plan
You should have an idea of your website’s general purpose and how a prospective scheme or plan of design can help you achieve this purpose, as the web design specialists at Expre will tell you. You can’t just go into the design of your website willy-nilly –it has to be organised and well thought out. Determine the weaknesses as well as strengths of your prospective design plan and ask yourself which components you really need as well as what content you need to optimise.
You should define who your audience is, and you can do this by ascertaining what your potential audience is looking for, what can help them get the information they need, and how you can really help them. You should also set formal deadlines for the different elements of your website design; this way, you can stay focused and will be less likely to get distracted.
Check it on various devices
When you have a draft of your new website, it’s essential to check it on various devices to make sure all your users are covered. You should account for the different screen sizes, devices, and browsers your visitors will use so they can access your site. Analytics is essential for this, especially on browsers and mobile devices; make sure your website is responsive to all the devices available. Good luck!