Why and how to choose happiness?

Clisver Alvarez, a freelance writer and mindset expert for Blue Greis Lifestyle joins Enterprise Radio to talk about why and how to choose happiness. She will be featured in this year’s May print issue of Good House Keeping Magazine and has already been featured in WebMD.com for her Inspiring story of how she dealt with her bipolar disorder.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Clisver Alvarez discuss the following:

  1. When you think of happiness what comes to mind?
  2. How can you change your life through changing your perspective and the way you view things?
  3. How can you make decisions out of love instead of fear?
  4. How can I more be confident in life, love, work etcetera?
  5. Tell me one thing that is required for change to happen within someone?

It may feel like the end of the world when you’re struggling in life. Whether it be financial, in your emotional relationships, or with your health. I’ve been there a couple of years ago I was battling all three of these in my life. I had a very bad financial situation, I was married living yet separate from my husband because I was still living with my mom & she and my husband did not get along. Yet we could not afford a big enough place to live together. My credit was in shambles. I had a decent job where I loved the environment I was in, however, the pay was not great. On other other hand living with my mom
created friction between her & me because I was already an adult and I had my own opinions on our living situation.

My husband and I also fought a lot due to the circumstances we had to live in, not to mention I have a son. Oh and on top of all that drama, I suffer from bipolar disorder and I relapsed that led me to be in the hospital for almost a month which in turn, helped me lose my job. This, of course, caused our financial situation to plummet even more. I then decided something had to be done. Then it hit me! I remembered my husband had been telling me for about a year to move to out of state and I was always hesitant until one day, I just decided I had enough! I needed a better life for my family and I.

The next day I decided to look into it, I did my research and I knew I had some money coming in from my taxes and I also knew this would be my only chance. It was either take the chance now or never!

I chose a better lifestyle for my family rather than continue to choose to stay and continue to be miserable. I took a leap of faith, and here I am three years later knowing it was the best choice that I’ve ever made. This is why I say that the change has to start with you. You have to want it enough, you have to need it!
Remember I’m a big believer in “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” & if you miss, get up and shoot even higher next time!”

Website: https://bluegreislifestyle.com

Social Media Links:
Facebook: facebook.com/cliisver07
Instagram: instagram.com/clisver
Youtube: youtube.com/user/clisverify

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