Podcasting is a fun way to reach people, and it makes another excellent source for marketing your business or your interests. However, it too needs its own marketing. A podcast isn’t going to gain listeners if people don’t know it exists and don’t know where to find it.
If you’re still unsure about podcasting, the simplest way to describe it is by comparing it to a blog and a radio show. It’s kind of like these two things mixed together. People podcast about nearly everything, from sports to music.
Use Blogging
While podcasting has some similarities, in content anyway, to blogging, you may still want to spend some time blogging about your podcast. You can use your normal blog, or set up a new blog specifically for your podcast. Obviously, you won’t want to share the exact content of your podcast on your blog, but it’s a good place to give a little side info on podcasts, share links, and allow people to find you more easily.
Blogging is great in its own way. It offers a way to use SEO to attract people to your podcast information as well. You can also expand your blog into other avenues for those things you just don’t have enough content to podcast about.
Not only can your blog act as a marketing platform for the podcast but it can also help you reach a broader audience. Just as there are people that love listening to podcasts, there are still those that prefer reading and getting their information through text. Don’t forget to refer to relevant blog articles throughout your podcast episodes just as you promote the podcast through the blog.
Understand that managing a blog will mean more work beyond your podcasting. You’ll need to learn blogging basics like SEO and content marketing but this can all be learned as you go. Before long, your blog & podcast mashup will give you a dual channel approach to monetize.
Post On Social Media
Talk about your podcast on social media and set up a page just for your podcast, with its name and all. This way people can follow your exploits on social media and know when new episodes are going to be available and what they’re going to be about.
Social media is one of the best options for marketing, especially in the free market. You have many options as well. Make sure to be on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram- those are the big three. But test out the waters on other social media options as well.
Text And Email
Text and email are often forgotten forms of marketing for smaller business, but effective ones nonetheless. Since the majority of people that spend a decent amount of time online these days have smartphones using MMS text messaging for advertising is still putting people one click away from whatever you want to share with them.
Email isn’t a marketing dinosaur of the past. Have a sign up for people to get a monthly or weekly newsletter in which you can fill them in on upcoming podcast topics and share links to the ones currently available.
If you want a successful podcast that people are going to listen to you need to put just as much work into marketing it as you do coming up with content. Spend some time online talking about it. Tell people what it’s about and make them want to listen.