You go to work each day with the intention of doing your job and going home at the end of the day unharmed. Unfortunately, accidents do happen, and there is a chance that you may get hurt while doing your job.
It’s a wise idea to know what you should do if you ever find yourself in this type of situation. What you don’t want to do is ignore what happened and act like you’re fine when you’re truly not. You want to be prepared so that you don’t get caught up in the moment and forget to perform any of the following important steps.Â
Ask for Medical Attention
If you get hurt at work, then it’s important that you seek medical attention right away. You should treat your injuries first above all else so that you can figure out what’s wrong and heal properly. Your workplace should have a first aid kit that should include an automated external defibrillator, and keep in mind you can always call in the experts if you find yourself dealing with a medical emergency. After you’re initially treated, it’s recommended that you also head to your doctor’s office and have them record down exactly what’s wrong with you and what they observe.
Report the Incident to HR
Another step you’ll want to take if you get hurt at work is to report the incident to your workplace and HR. You’ll want them to document exactly what occurred in your eyes, so it’s on file to refer to later on. In addition, seek out and have any witnesses come forward and share what they saw happen as well. You never know if you’ll need to call upon these individuals down the road and get confirmation from them about what you said you experienced.Â
Consult with A Lawyer
In addition, if you get hurt at work, it’s always worth consulting with a lawyer after the fact. This is especially true if you slip and fall and aren’t at fault, for example. Contact a personal injury lawyer San Diego and explain what happened to you so they can determine if you have a case or not and help you to know how to best proceed. It’s a wise idea to get legal advice on the matter versus trying to figure out what may or may not be all on your own.
Take Time to Rest & Recover
Most importantly, it’s in your best interest to take some time away from work so you can rest and recover. These types of events can be physically as well as mentally taxing on you. You may need to file for an extended leave of absence or workers comp if you’re going to require a lot of time off from your job. Follow the doctor’s orders and try to stay off your feet for a while so you can heal properly and return to your job as soon as possible. Hopefully, if you follow these steps and the incident isn’t too bad, you’ll feel ready to get back to work and less nervous about your return.