Mass texting refers to the automated sending of text messages to a specific target audience. Mass messaging service is one of the tools of marketing policy. Effective use of the technology will be for all types of business (large, medium, small).
With the help of mass messaging service it is convenient to send text messages at a specified time to several lists of recipients. You can simultaneously send a single letter to thousands of users or send personal messages to each of the recipients on your mailing list.

Mass messaging service or mms marketing allows you to simultaneously send not long text messages to a large group of recipients. These are notifications of special offers, promotions, bank card transactions, etc.
What tasks the service solves
Mass messaging service is necessary for solving important issues.
- Thanks to regular sending of sms-messages, companies have a better chance of being remembered by clients, creating a positive image of their own brand.
- The success of advertising campaigns. This is ensured by sending messages not to random people, but to clients who are familiar with a company and who buy goods (services) from it.
- The mass mailing service is regulated by the law against spam. Therefore, when it is used, there will be no penalties for illegal sending of messages.
Who benefits from interacting with this service
SMS-notification of the target audience contributes to a significant increase in recognition of the company among competitors, increasing sales and profits, regardless of the sphere of business. Mass messaging service will be beneficial for:
- Auto Business. SMS mailing notifies about upcoming test-drives, discounts, promotions (for repair or service).
- Travel industry (sending out interesting offers for vacations and business trips).
- Banking institutions (notification about transactions on bank cards, the date of repayment of credit debts, etc.).
- Insurance (offering more favorable insurance rates, terms of contract prolongation, making payments).
- Commercial sphere. Mass mailing of sales outlets notify about current promotions, offer sms-coupons. Online stores tell about new products/services, upcoming promotions, discounts.
- Restaurants, cafes.
- Entertainment venues (nightclubs, theaters, cinemas).
- Fitness clubs.
- Delivery services.
- Cab services.
This is not a complete list of areas where mass messaging service will increase the efficiency of activities. This type of communication is an ideal solution for a wide variety of business areas.
Service Advantages
In addition to the fact that a mass mailing service allows for easy notification, effective interaction with customers, the obvious benefits include:
- Coverage of a significant audience, the ability to deliver messages to a wide variety of subscribers.
- Customers receive messages simultaneously, and at the same time.
- Messages that are sent can be not only text, but also voice.
- At an affordable cost of the service (compared to other types of advertising and tariffs), its effectiveness is high.
- Maintaining constant communication with customers.
Additional features
In addition to the basic functions, services have additional features that increase the usability of technology. These include:
- the ability to order voice mailings (can be recorded by the client, as well as text conversion can be performed by the service);
- smart-mailing design, which combines different options for maximum optimization;
- sending of mms-messages;
- creation of a mailing web-service;
- sending codes in the number to confirm operations in the call;
- receiving sms, which allows you to receive messages from customers;
- using own online chat for Me-Talk website;
- provision of ready modules to perform integration with CMS for online stores;
- much more.
Cooperation with a mass mailing service will be effective for a variety of reasons.
Automation – automatic sending function allows you to make a scheduled sending, by executing it at the specified time automatically, even when the working laptop is not nearby.
 Internet connection is not required for sending sms (you need to be in the mobile operator’s coverage area). Due to this, mass mailing is a reliable channel for transmitting information (informing about emergency situations, delivery of one-time passwords).
Efficiency – the readability of messages is close to 95%. This is a high indicator compared to other channels.
Mass texting, due to readability, has numerous benefits. Among them, in addition to the affordable cost of the service for companies, high chances to attract customers to a particular proposal, increasing sales and the target audience, increasing profits.
Where to order
Mass messaging services are offered by SempiCo Solutions. We have been working in the telecommunications industry for 12 years, covering more than 200 countries. Our own platform has multiple internal functionality, which makes our service, even for high traffic volumes, as reliable as possible. Our values include:
- security (information in user accounts is encrypted, protected through the use of web certificates);
- flexible payments (payment for services online, by bank transfer, work with different currencies);
- 24-hour support (prompt solution of technical, financial problems at any time);
- signing of direct contracts with operators;
- attractive pricing policy.
For each client SempiCo Solutions staff offers a personal calculation of the cost of services, will help if you need something special in telecommunications services.