Summer breaks can cause a huge gap in children’s learning. A sudden halt and thereby disconnection with education slacks the progress that the child had been making in school. The school cannot often go back and start from right where they had left off months back. It is an unspoken agreement between the school and home that students will keep up with the flow even during school break. But children often don’t have the self-discipline and concern for the future that adults have. That is why it is more difficult to get them to study during summer break.Â
All work and no play indeed makes Jack a dull boy so it is important to also maintain that balance between studies and play. In this ordeal of balancing the right schedule, summer courses offer the right respite. They schedule classes and prepare and polish children even during breaks so that when schools reopen, children don’t have to struggle to catch up. With the right external guidance, children will get more disciplined and have a more solid sense of accountability. So, now that you know the importance of summer courses during school break, you need to know what summer course is the best for students. This article talks about the factors that make up a good summer course.

Personalized guidance: Every child is different with different needs. In classroom learning, which is a collective form of learning, personal interests of children are not addressed or rather there is no scope for addressing them. It pretty much falls on children to make the most out of their lessons. That is exactly why they deserve better learning in summer courses during breaks. Through personalized guidance, the exact strengths and weaknesses can be evaluated and worked upon. This approach can give them a huge benefit in learning when the school reopens.
Interactive teaching: One-way communication is not the holistic method of learning. Asking questions is a confirmation of focus, attention, and clarity. In the classroom, amidst many other children, one specific child might hesitate to ask questions. One-to-one communication efficiently helps with this inhibition that is present in children and prepares them gradually to learn public speaking and arms them with a sense of confidence.Â
Pro Bono sessions: No matter how well you read guidelines, terms, and conditions, it is never possible to know how well the summer course is suited for a specific child. A face-to-face conversation is extremely important to establish whether a particular summer course is well suited for your child or not. That is why ensure that the summer program you choose offers pro bono sessions so that you can make an informed decision.Â
Flexibility: The summer course that you choose should be flexible. It is summer after all and your child also needs to have some fun. Focusing just on studies in the summer break is not fair, children need to have some free time too. That is why, if the summer course offers flexibility, your child will get a break from a hectic routine and will be able to enjoy the summer break while learning. Moreover, excessive pressure for studies can go in the wrong way with children. They might rebel and try to find ways to avoid studying at all. Besides dates, students should also get to decide what their syllabus is going to be. They know the best which topics they need help with. So, summer courses should let the children decide what their syllabus will be.Â
Evaluation: The only way to know whether children are making any progress on their summer courses is through evaluation. A good summer course will provide numerous worksheets to solve and practice. Analytical subjects like math, grammar, and science need more evaluation than others. The more worksheets children practice, the better they get in the subject. That is why you must choose a summer course that gives ample worksheets to solve and generates timely feedback so that children can work accordingly.Â
So, now that you know what are the factors that make for a good summer course, do your research well and choose a course that is right for your child. With the right choice, the summer course will not feel like coursework at all. It will be a nice combination of fun, play and study. Weigh your options and involve your child in the decision-making process. The more eagerly children decide their summer course, the more actively they will participate in it as well.Â