What Every High School Graduate Needs Before Going to College

Heading off to college has been romanticized in books and movies for decades. It’s a rite of passage for many people who have worked hard and earned the grades necessary to move on up in the world. However, what the stories don’t prepare you for is all the practical considerations that must be made—the mental adjustments and financial preparations that are essential for a happy and productive college career.  

When planning for that first year of college, most people think about what TV shows they will be watching in their dorms or what their new roommate will be like. While it’s not a waste of time to think about these things, the best way to prepare for success is by making sure that you’re ready to deal with whatever challenges might arise. Contained within the standard four-year college experience are countless opportunities for growth, but the only guarantee is that it won’t always be easy.

Taking stock of what you want to get out of college before you get there is a great way to prepare yourself. When you run into the inevitable hurtles, you’ll be able to pass right over them and continue on towards your goals. So before you start packing up a truck and getting ready to leave, take some time to mull over the following things that every college student needs to consider before leaving.  

Mental Preparation

For many kids who arrive on college campuses, it’s the first time that they’re going to spend sustained months or years away from home. That’s not easy for a lot of people, and people are often surprised by the intensity of their homesickness. Learning how to meditate can be a great way to calm yourself down if anxiety starts to become a problem. Before you leave, spend some valuable one-on-one time with the people back home who are most important to you. You will see them again, but those special moments right before you depart will become touchstone memories that give you the strength to continue with your studies. 

It’s also common for college students to find themselves in situations they’ve never been in before, or are uncomfortable being in. Before you leave, really think about what matters to you. Consider your values. This act of introspection will help you better understand yourself, will help you grow, and when situations do arise that you’re unfamiliar with, you will be able to trust your gut reactions and act according to your core principals.  

What Should You Bring?

It’s almost impossible to finish college without a laptop, and if you read something like an HP ENVY x360 review, it will help you get an idea of the kind of hardware that best suits your needs. It’s tempting to bring a bunch of things that will remind you of home, but part of college is learning to embrace a new environment. Bring an item or two, but don’t try to think of kids bedroom ideas to recreate your childhood bedroom—you can always use music to feed your nostalgia for a familiar space.  

There are obvious essentials that you should bring, such as clothes and school supplies, but without making an incredibly long list the best way to determine if you should bring something is by asking yourself: How often will I use this? 

Financial Planning

College is many things, but one thing it isn’t is cheap. It’s no mystery that college loans can follow you for years after graduating—President Obama famously didn’t pay off his until he got to office. Before you get to college, you need to figure out how you’re going to finance the next couple of years. That might mean taking a job and signing up for fewer classes, or applying for grants or scholarships if you’re eligible. 

While it’s important to determine how you’re going to finance your education, it’s also necessary to figure out how to manage your money on a day-to-day basis. Using a budget calculator can help you map out a plan. Decide how much you’re willing to spend every week on activities, going out, food, etc. Books and other class necessities are notoriously expensive, and should be treated as a serious but necessary expenditure. 

Considering these needs before you earn your degree is a critical step. It will ensure peace of mind and will set you up for a successful couple of years. For many, college is remembered as some of the best years of their lives. Take full advantage of this special time by being prepared.  

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