What Are Veneers and How Do They Work?

You may have heard of the term veneers but are unsure of exactly what they do. In this blog, the top dentist in Pasadena TX is going to share everything you need to know about veneers and how they work. You will learn so much and it will help you decide if it’s for you or not. Keep reading to learn more.

A couple years ago, it was researched that over 80% of people do not like how they look in pictures because of their teeth. It was also stated that 30% of people don’t smile in picture for social media simply because they don’t want to show their teeth.

One of the ways to fix being embarrassed of your teeth is to get veneers. Just a warning though, veneers may give you more confidence and a smile you love!

So, what are veneers?

Veneers are made from porcelain and bonded directly to your teeth so provide a better overall smile. Many people love this option because it can be complete in just 2 visits. They are individual to your specific needs and your smile. It looks very natural when it is complete. If you are unhappy at all with the finished product, adjustments can still be made to ensure you are satisfied.

From coffee, eating daily, and over time your teeth can have small chips, become a bit cruced, and the list can go on and on. Veneers work to build overtop of them and not only make your teeth look like new again, but make your teeth look exactly how you have always wanted them to. After have veneers put on your teeth will still be hard, you will have a brand-new smile almost instantly.

Some of the issues people want to fix by adding veneers are:

  •         Lengthen your teeth
  •         Chips
  •         Gabs
  •         Spacing
  •         Color
  •         Tooth decay
  •         And more!

Another benefit people love about veneers is that they are almost painless. Many people do not like getting any treatments done to their mouth from fear. Veneers is not something you need to be scared of.

If this still sounds like something you would be interested in, the first step is to book a consultation. You will discuss your goals together and they will be able to ensure this is doable. They will then tell you a plan in order to make this happen.

At this time you will also be able to discuss cost and they will be happy to answer any questions you have. Although veneers differ in price, most people get around eight veneers. Each veneer costs anywhere from $1000-$1500. You can always ask to see if they offer discounts for getting more veneers at ones. Sometimes dental offices also give cash discounts. It’s always worth asking.

Although veneers may not last forever, they last much longer than people realize. They are strong and act just like real teeth. If you take care of them just like you do your teeth, they can last up to 20 years.

Most insurance plans do not cover cosmetic treatments; however, some do. Makes sure to speak with your insurance provider and find out if any can be covered. This is one of the reasons why veneers are not as common. Although they have so many positives, the one negative is the cost.

Just like we said above, most people do not get all their teeth veneered. This means that your entire mouth does not need to be veneered and rarely do people do this. The Dentist in Windsor can work with you to help you decide exactly which teeth would help you to get your dream smile. Once you point out which teeth are bothering you, they can help you determine if that’s all the veneers you should have, or if one more would help create a specific look you desire.

It’s very rare that someone does not like the transformation their smile has had. Even if they do not meet every single expectation (which is rare), most people love many features about the veneers and their new smile. If you do not like the veneers however, the bad news is that they are not reversible. Since the veneers are put directly onto your teeth, the procedure cannot be undone.

That is one of the main reasons why communication is so important. Like we stated earlier, the dentist can change the veneers once they are on, but they cannot take them off. Make sure to explain every part of what you are looking for to the dentist. They want you to be happy with the outcome. That is why they are there – to help you! always Make sure to keep open communication  with your dentist.

Once you have your veneers and you are happy with them, it’s important to take excellent care of them to ensure your smile stays beautiful. After all, you paid for it! Make sure to go to regular cleanings. There are products out there for your teeth specifically designed for veneers. If this is something you are interested in, make sure to ask your dentist about it.

Have you learned more about veneers? Dentists are typically happy to meet with you to see if you would be a good candidate for veneers. If you are, they can go through the exact steps for your specific smile. It’s always important to have open communication so you can express what exactly you are looking for and the dentist can share what the results will look like.

For more information on veneers or to set up an appointment, contact us today!

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