All companies encounter dissatisfied consumers occasionally, no matter how great their product or service. Businesses need to keep bad customer experiences to a minimum if they plan on continued existence. They have to know the common customer complaints and ensure that the company isn’t falling short. This is the best way to keep customer turnover rates and the number of negative comments as low as possible.
As much as we understand that customer service is vital to a business’s success, it is neither cheap nor easy. It may be tempting to try to save money and time by automating calls. However, this might hurt customer satisfaction. One way to manage inbound customer calls is with call scripting since it improves contact centre efficiency in several ways.
While there are a variety of things that a frustrated customer may complain about—perhaps she received the wrong pair of shoes or her purchase didn’t come within the promised two days—the UK contact centre research reveals that it’s how a business deals with complaints that can really irritate customers. Let’s go into some of these common complaints about customer service.
Most Common Customer Complaints about Customer Service
Because customers are a company’s lifeblood, it’s important to understand what bothers them while engaging with agents and how to fix or avoid these difficulties.
Clueless Operators
Customers don’t call contact centres to have a friendly chat; they do so because they have frustrations they would like to resolve. They frequently express their dissatisfaction when an inexperienced agent assists them. When assigning personnel to customer service jobs, ensure that they receive adequate training to ensure that they have as much information as possible about the company, its goods and services. If an operator cannot answer a customer’s query or satisfy their demands, they should be taught to find someone who can.
Call centre scripting puts vital information at the hands of agents. Instead, they may concentrate on establishing connections with clients and ensuring they are happy with the outcome. As a result, overall customer service quality increases. Satisfied customers are also more inclined to buy more items or upgrade their present plans.
Lack of Human Agents
Automation strives to reduce human effort, yet it can also go wrong. Many clients have expressed dissatisfaction with human-machine contact. Businesses cannot satisfy their consumers solely through automation. This is because getting a computer to grasp a customer’s situation may be extremely irritating, if not impossible.
Clients may become caught in an automated service loop without receiving any assistance. Aside from that, if an issue isn’t included in the automated service categories, they have no means of explaining it. This problem is exacerbated for elderly clients who aren’t used to dealing with machines.
Call scripting can help contact centres achieve their goal of reduced costs and improved efficiency while retaining human employees. This is possible because scripts offer prompts that allow agents to complete calls faster and move on to the next caller.
Long Hold Times and Being Transferred between Departments
We are living in the digital age. Nobody has time to wait. Customers have come to anticipate rapid communication. The anguish of a client grows as a problem is passed between departments and representatives. Care representatives should be able to gather consumer information and reply as quickly as feasible.
Putting a conversation on hold isn’t welcomed unless it’s absolutely necessary. If workers do not have access to a platform that allows them to view client history and propose a solution, this problem is set to continue.
Call scripting software acts as a reference tool for operators, allowing them to get reliable information in one place. This decreases the number of support emails and service calls and the time it takes to resolve a call.
Inaccessibility on Multiple Communication Channels
Customers expect you to be there when they want assistance. Inaccessibility is one of the fastest ways to lose a consumer. If you have a company website, make sure it’s up to date and that you’re using a trustworthy host with a higher uptime than downtime. If you have your company hours written down and posted on the door, make sure you keep them by opening and closing on time.
Because all customer support channels run off the same information, call centre scripting aids in creating a consistent omnichannel experience across platforms. This fosters the development of trust and loyalty in a brand.
Issue not Resolved on First Call
When a customer’s concern is not handled on the first contact, it’s a disaster. This scenario adds to the customer’s aggravation by introducing yet another challenge. Companies must strive to avoid complaint hoops like this.
Often, a problem goes unresolved because customer support representatives are unsure of the solution, so they dismiss the issue. It can become pretty messy. In this case, the customer may call again irritated, or leave with a negative impression of the brand.
Agents who are ill-informed or unprepared are less likely to settle a call on the first try. With call scripting software, they can have the information and training they need to handle any call they receive effectively.