Tips for business leaders on how to move/motivate people during a crisis like COVID-19

Kurian Mathew Tharakan, Founder & Managing Director of StrategyPeak Sales and Marketing, a sales and marketing consultancy joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Kurian Mathew Tharakan discuss the following:

  1. The coronavirus is having an emotional and financial impact in our society, how should business leaders address these issues with their employees?
  2. What is the number one reason companies and organizations fail?
  3. Why is it a misconception that people follow leaders first?
  4. What is the most powerful story category you can tell to persuade anyone?
  5. What are the seven primary pillars of culture and how do they work together to drive people forward?

Kurian Mathew Tharakan is the Founder & Managing Director of StrategyPeak Sales & Marketing Advisors, a strategic marketing consultancy. A seasoned veteran with over 27 years of marketing experience, he is also a guest lecturer and keynote speaker. Kurian is also the author of “The 7 Essential Stories Charismatic Leaders Tell,” an international best seller in nine categories in eight countries.


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