Things Wealthy People Do Better Than Average

Most people think that wealthy people have the biggest homes or the newest cars. But the average millionaire could be driving that 10-year-old truck, or living in an updated home from the 1970’s. Most wealthy people don’t get there by spending all their money on the best toys. Wealthy people have very specific habits that help them be financially successful in life.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Set Goals

Wealthy people know how to set goals. This may seem obvious because of their financial status, but they know how to set goals in every area of their lives. Whether they have fitness or health goals, or they want to work toward a particular dream, their goal setting skills are the best. To set a goal, think about how to make it SMART. Is it specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely? Wealthy people don’t just say things like “I want to be rich”. They say things like, “I want to earn my first million by the time I am 25.” Then they create a plan to get there and then work the plan.


Investments are more than pouring money into a 401K or buying a few stocks. Wealthy people know that investing helps their money make more of itself. When they make purchases, they often do it through the lens of whether or not it’s an asset or liability. They use professionals to help them choose stocks and so much more.

Multiple Streams of Income

Wealthy people don’t just work a 40-hour a week job for 50 years and then retire. They look for multiple streams of income. Whether they make passive income through investments, social media sites, or selling products on auto-pilot, they know that they need more than one way to make money. This doesn’t mean you just work more hours somewhere else, it means you find ways to make some cash even while you’re sleeping. Many millionaires own a business and some invest in other businesses to help these income streams come in.

Have Good Credit

Wealthy people make sure their credit is very good. If you’re starting from the bottom, you might need a credit builder loan to start getting yours in a better place. Good credit can help you get business loans and open up doors that are closed to the average person.

Delay Gratification

When you learn to set and achieve goals you learn quickly that the best things take time. Wealthy people don’t typically buy the latest and greatest things just because they can. They wait. They make calculated decisions, and they learn to set aside their immediate wants for their future goals. This doesn’t mean they don’t have fun. They just don’t try and keep up with any Joneses.

They Know How To Outsource

Wealthy people know how to gather the right people around them. They outsource the things they aren’t good at instead of trying to do it themselves. They know their limitations and choose to rely on the strengths of others to fill in the gaps when needed

Strategically Give

Wealthy people know how to give. Not only does it give them some tax breaks, many of them like to do good things with their money. Whether they give to their religious faith, disaster relief, or to a local food bank, wealthy people aren’t all miserly. Typically they give when they know it’ll benefit them and their finances, but they often give to issues that they care about.

They Never Stop Learning

Did you stop reading when you got done with school? The wealthy don’t stop. They are constantly investing in books and materials to help them learn and grow. This voracity for learning and doing better sets them apart from the average person.

They Don’t Waste Time

You probably won’t see millionaires wasting time on social media. That’s not to say they don’t use it, however, they don’t easily get sucked into the void. They use social media as a tool and then they get off when they are done doing what they needed to complete. They look at time as something to invest in as well. Whether they are investing in relationships, taking a much needed break, or spending time doing the things they enjoy, the time they have is never wasted.

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