PayJoy, a leading technology company powering smartphone financing worldwide

Mark Heynen, Chief Business Officer and Co-founder of PayJoy, a leading technology company powering smartphone financing worldwide, offering proprietary, patented solutions to underwrite financing smartphones for consumers in the emerging markets joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Mark Heynen discuss the following:

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself and how your career led to creating PayJoy?
  2. Can you tell us about the problem you’re solving in smartphone financing?
  3. How are you approaching this differently than your competitors?
  4. How is the discussion today around smartphone financing in emerging markets and how is it changing (vs. in the past)?
  5. Why is getting smart phones in the hands of more people important and how does it change their lives?
  6. How is the role of technology changing the capabilities of small business that are becoming PayJoy partners in emerging markets? 
  7. Can you tell us what is usually the turning point for your customers when they realize they need a solution like yours?
  8. Any other interesting facts about your company, the market and/or your customers?

Mark Heynen serves as PayJoy’s Chief Business Officer. Prior to PayJoy, Mark had an extensive career starting companies in the US and abroad, and striking complex deals in the mobile ecosystem.

In 1999, Mark joined the founding team of LibertySurf, France’s first free ISP, and launched operations in the UK and Germany. Shortly thereafter in 2000, Mark co-founded retail analytics company Electrobug Technologies in London, which he eventually sold in 2006. He moved back to the US that year to join Google’s early BD team, where he worked on mapping the developing world and launching Android. He was recruited to Facebook in 2010 to launch the company’s emerging market mobile strategy, including a number of complex carrier deals and the largest acquisition Facebook made at the time (Snaptu).

Since leaving in 2012, Mark founded Photo Lab (sold to Dropbox) and led business development and operations for commercial drone startup Skycatch.

PayJoy, the leading technology company powering smartphone financing worldwide, offers proprietary, patented solutions to underwrite financing smartphones for consumers in the emerging markets. 

PayJoy’s mission is to make smartphones accessible to the underbanked customers. PayJoy’s technology empowers people who lack credit to create their first financial identities, purchase their first smartphone, and build credit simultaneously.  PayJoy’s secure locking technology and proprietary products offer affordable weekly or monthly installments representative of the common billing habits of the underbanked.

PayJoy maintains the goal of reaching 1 billion people in emerging markets. PayJoy is a team of 75 people with premier tech and lending experience from Stanford, MIT, Wharton, Google, Facebook, Samsung, Amazon, PIMCO, McKinsey, Prosper, and Merrill Lynch. Founded in San Francisco in 2015, PayJoy raised over $50M in equity and debt capital from top fintech investors including Union Square Ventures.

Social Media Links:
Twitter:  @PayJoy

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