
Kids4Community: A nonprofit organization run by kids for kids

Kenan Pala, The Founder of Kids4Community, a nonprofit organization run by kids for kids in San Diego, California joins Enterprise Radio to discuss how they are involved in the community.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Kenan Pala discuss the following:

  • Why did you decide to start Kids4Community? How did the idea come about?
  • Do you think it’s important for kids to start their charity efforts early in life? Why or why not?
  • Was it easy to get your peers involved at school?
  • I see you broke a Guinness World Record. Please tell us more about that.
  • When did you start pursuing triathlons?
  • How/Why did you come up with the initiative Kids Tri Hard?
  • How does Kids Tri Hard apparel differentiate from other triathlon gear on the market?
  • Are you doing any triathlons this year?
  • What do you plan on doing with the sales made via Kids Tri Hard Apparel?
  • Any upcoming initiatives or programs you’d like to mention?

The mission of the Kids4Community is that they want to help children and their families give back to their communities in a meaningful way. To do this, we work with charitable organizations to develop programs that are specifically meant to engage children from five years and up so they can be introduced to the concept of charitable work early in their lives.Very few charities have programs that are aimed at children and their families, which makes it difficult for people with young children to perform charity work. We believe if you have small children, you shouldn’t have to find a babysitter when you want to do something to give back to your community. You should be able to bring them along and do it together.

When kids are taught from an early age about the benefits of charitable work, they will carry that forward into their teen and adult lives. Not only does it benefit the charities they work with, it benefits the children themselves as they transition into young adults. Charitable work is a great way to build a resume and is fantastic to feature on college applications. To make sure kids are involved every step of the way, we also have a Kids Advisory Board. This board (comprised entirely of kids) will help us make decisions and provide direction.


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