Building a website is one of the most effective ways to get more listeners for your podcast. It helps people discover your podcast through Google search and it’s a brilliant way to build an email list. You can also use your website to provide extra content for your listeners and start building relationships with them. Without a good website, you will struggle to grow your listener base, but a lot of people don’t know where to start with building their own site. This guide will explain why a podcast website is important and how you can build yours.

What Are The Benefits Of A Podcast Website?
Having your own website for your podcast brings 3 main benefits; marketing, data collection, and monetization.
The main reason that you need a website is so that you can promote your podcast and get more listeners. If you are only relying on word of mouth and people discovering your podcast on streaming platforms, your growth will be very slow. With a website, people can discover you through Google and you can push the site on social media too. The site can also be used to post information about upcoming episodes and other exciting developments.
Data Collection
Gathering more data about your listeners gives you a better insight into your audience. You can then use this information to plan new episodes and tailor the podcast to your audience, so they keep listening. It also allows you to target your marketing campaigns more effectively and get a better return on your investment. Your website is an effective way to gather that data.
If you want to start making money from your podcast, your website is a great place to start. You can generate revenue through ads on the site and you can even use it as an opportunity to sell merchandise. If you have other podcasts, you can use the website to cross-promote and start monetizing those too.
How To Build Your Podcast Website
Now that you understand the importance of having a website for your podcast, it’s time to start building one. These are the key steps you need to take.
Determine the goals of your website
Before you can start designing and building the website, you need to determine what your goals are. People often make the mistake of thinking that the website is there to get you subscribers. However, the main thing you should be trying to do with your site is build an email list. You can then use this to market to potential listeners and get more subscribers. This is an important distinction because when you market for more subscribers, you are promoting the platform that hosts your podcast rather than building a relationship with listeners on your own private channels.
Register The Domain Name
Once you are clear on exactly what you are trying to achieve with your site, you can get the ball rolling. Firstly, make sure that you secure the domain name for the website. You need a simple name that is closely related to your podcast, so listeners instantly recognize it
When you have decided on a domain name and checked that it is available, you need to find a good hosting service. Make sure to go with one that provides an SSL certificate so you can ensure that the website is secure.
Find A Web Design Company
You’ve got a domain name, now you need a website to go on it. The first step is to find a small business web design company like WEBX360.COM to design and build the site for you. Look for a company with a lot of experience creating WordPress sites as this is the best platform for your new podcast website. Talk through some ideas with them to see whether you are on the same page and they share your vision for the site.
Create Your Landing Pages
The landing pages are the most important aspect of your podcast website because this is how you will build your email list. As soon as somebody lands on the site, you need to be upfront about what you are asking. Invite them to sign up to your mailing list and offer them something in return. Things like free PDF resources that are valuable to your listeners are a great way to get people to sign up.
You should also include an image on the landing page. People like to build a relationship with podcast hosts, so a picture of yourself works brilliantly. If you opt for something else, just make sure that it’s related to the podcast.
After the initial request, give more information about the kind of content people can expect in your emails. Finally, end the landing page with a clear call to action, asking them to subscribe to your email list again using a simple form. As long as you work with an experienced small business web design company, you can create a landing page that grows your email list.
Embed Your Podcast Episodes
When you have your website up and running, you should embed some of your podcast episodes so new listeners can get a taste for what it is like. If you usually charge a fee, consider putting a few old episodes up for free. This is a great way to get people interested and encourage them to sign up to your email list. Your website hosting platform may already provide an embeddable media player but if you are unsure, take advice from your small business web design company.
Produce Written Content
You can get a lot of new listeners if you make it easy for people to find you through search, and content marketing is a great way to do that. If you produce useful content that addresses common questions around your podcast topic, you’ll get a lot of interested people visiting the site after making Google searches.
Creating a podcast with these important elements will help you boost your profile and build a strong email list, which you can then leverage to get more subscribers.