How Disconnecting Renews Your Imagination

Modern living has many perks. But, it also has many serious disadvantages. The age of instant gratification makes us less curious, less imaginative, and less satisfied with our lives in the long run. 

Sometimes, all you need to do to get your imagination going strong again is to disconnect for a bit. Besides helping you reinforce your imagination, digital detox has other equally valuable benefits. Read on to learn more about them. 

Combating FOMO

FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out is a new psychological disorder brought on by recent technological advances. When you see your friends and family having fun, it is only natural to want to be a part of it. These things are hard to ignore with notifications of things happening all around us. Unplugging can help you be mindful and focus on the present.

Envy can make people try to live like the other person. It can also make people feel so bad that they lose copious amounts of self-esteem, increasing anxiety.

Social media may help you connect to loved ones, but it also leads to unnecessary comparison, jealousy, and envy. Occasional digital detox allows you to reset and refocus appreciation and gratitude for all you’ve been given.

Reconnecting with nature

You will notice a natural urge to go outside when you choose to disconnect from technology.  So, take a step outside, take in the scenery around you, and exercise without distraction. 

Another benefit of being outdoors is that it is the way for your body to get some much-needed vitamin D. It is crucial in preventing some severe illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. 

Practices like primitive camping are a great way to merge the need to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, so give it a try.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Better mental health 

Social media can allow feelings like loneliness, depression, envy, jealously, and dissatisfaction to grow. To avoid this, try shifting your focus towards what you have and appreciating it. Also, try to always keep in mind that social media content is not always an accurate representation of someone’s life.

Staying away from technology and social media, in particular, helps you realize you need to focus on your general well-being instead of what someone else might be doing. 

Firmer connections with the world around you 

Recent studies have shown that the more time a person devotes to online social media activity, the more likely they’ll be disconnected from real-world actions, such as attending in-person events, hanging out with friends and family, going on actual dates, etc. 

Real-world socializing helps lower your risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems that can come from sitting around online all the time, indulging in your social media newsfeed.

This study demonstrates that unplugging from technology might benefit your in-person communication and interpersonal relationships. 

Communication via technology is fast and convenient. It also removes body language, tone, and other things that help us understand one another and connect with them. 

A 2020 study published in the Journal of Travel found that people who digitally disconnected while traveling felt they experienced better, more prosperous relationships with other people and the world around them.

Reduced feeling of loneliness 

Technology has made it faster to communicate with people and establish virtual relationships. Simultaneously, the lack of physical contact with others can leave you feeling lonely and unfulfilled. 

Taking some time away from your devices allows you to focus on building genuine, in-person relationships and communicating with others face-to-face.

Simultaneously, while we are more connected than ever, there is less time for meditation, self-reflection, and solitude. Sometimes, what you have to do is stop and look at your life, where you want to be, and what matters to you, without the constant distraction.

Get better sleep 

When your body gets tired, your brain releases a chemical called melatonin. It helps the body relax and get ready to sleep. When you look at a screen before bedtime, your brain starts thinking it must remain alert and awake. This stops melatonin from being released.

Spending too much time looking at a screen can disrupt your brain’s sleep cycles, leaving you feeling restless and exhausted. And, good sleep is very important. 

When you go to sleep without your tech, you will be focusing on how tired you are and how many hours of sleep is the right amount you need. 


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