Getting the Money You Need to Start Your Podcast

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

You’ve got something to share, and you’ve decided the best way to spread the word is to start a podcast. It will provide you with a platform to reach millions of people to discuss topics that are relevant to your business and/or of personal interest to you. Whether you want to build brand awareness, gain credibility in your area of expertise, support a cause, promote a product or service, or simply entertain, a podcast can be essential in helping with those efforts. 

As with any business, there are going to be some associated costs to get started. From headphones and recording equipment to editing and design software, there is a list of things you’ll need to record quality shows for your audience. If you’re worried you don’t have the necessary funds to get your podcast off the ground, here are some ideas for securing the cash. 

Short-Term Loan

The good news is that it doesn’t cost much to start a podcast. Meaning, you don’t have to go deep into debt to acquire some cash. A short-term installment loan approval for anywhere from $500-$1000 should be a great amount to work with. You can apply for loans online and receive approval and a cash deposit within a few hours. 

Credit Builder Loan

If you aren’t approved for a short-term loan, there is also the option to take out a credit builder loan. This is a loan that helps you to rebuild your credit. You request a loan amount. If approved, you must make timely monthly installments until the loan and interest are paid in full. Then, the funds are deposited into your account for use. Though this type of loan takes longer to manifest, you do reap the benefits of an improved credit score and some cash for your podcast in the end.

Sell Some Things

Another way to secure funds for your podcast (without going into debt) is to sell some things. You have accumulated a lot of things in your home that you don’t use. These things could be of value to someone else putting extra cash in your pocket. Go from room to room and collect anything that is in good condition, but you have no use for. Then, plan a yard sell or start selling items online for cash. Don’t forget about other items like gold jewelry, old smartphones, gaming devices, electronics, and cars which can sell for quite a bit to the right buyer. 

Pull From Another Income Source

If you have another business or job, you can utilize some of your pay to cover the cost of starting your podcast. Just be sure to check your personal and business accounts to ensure that you’ve first covered all necessary expenses. 

Start a Side Gig

If you still don’t think you have enough to start your podcast, you can always find a cheap side gig to start. Use the proceeds from that to cover podcast expenses until you start making money from your show. Babysit, clean yards, walk dogs, run errands, or complete other odd and end jobs in your neighborhood to help you generate some extra cash. 

Use What You Have

The great think about starting a podcast is that you can set up a podcast station with what you have and invest in better quality technology down the line. You could purchase a cheap pair of headphones, a microphone, and use furniture from around the house to begin. Once you start monetizing your podcast and making a profit, you can invest in better furniture, equipment, software, and technology. 

Millions of people listen to podcasts every day to hear the latest news, learn about certain subject matters, find out about products and services, and be entertained. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to build a strong brand for yourself, your business, or your cause. Starting a podcast is fairly simple and also affordable. Try one or several of the suggestions provided above to secure the funds you need to start broadcasting killer shows over the internet.

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