Four Ways To Improve Employee Benefit Selection and Communication

It’s not unusual for an employee to take under a half hour to review options before selecting benefits. It’s common for workers to state that they have a limited understanding of the options available to them. Because of this, employers should devote time to identifying insurance plans that will serve the needs of workers. Ongoing communication should make the values of these benefits clear. These tips will make it easier to select benefits packages and provide employees with the communication they need. 

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Give Workers Options 

Workers will be more satisfied if their employer offers them the kinds of benefits they want or need. Employers should seek out input on benefits. Workers should have an opportunity to discuss their current benefits openly. Identify the kind of coverage workers are interested in. Learn what information they’d like to have about benefits. Take a look at Medicare Advantage Plans 2021 for a range of coverage.

Request a benefit utilization report from your insurance agent and broker. Reviewing this information will allow you to see the services and features that are most often used by employees. 

Offer Plenty of Information 

Ahead of the annual enrollment period, you should hone your strategy for benefits communication. Decide on the key messages you want to send. A few weeks before the enrollment period, you should offer details on plans. Make sure that any changes to current benefits are communicated clearly. Provide employees with the dates for the enrollment period. Let workers know how they can get more information about benefits. Utilize various communication methods, including emails and the employee newsletter. Offer workers tips on selecting the best benefits package for them. Stress the importance of considering household needs for medical, vision, and dental coverage. 

Take a Personalized Approach to Communication 

When discussing benefits, talk about the impact various options will have on workers. Don’t send all employee groups the same message. Instead, write separate messages for every group. Utilize different methods of communication so that you can connect with all workers. You could create videos, utilize social media, create charts and infographics, mail out packages, conduct meetings, or even host a question and answer session. Take the time to define insurance terms so that workers can understand what you’re communicating. 

Offer Regular Reminders 

Workers tend to forget the details of benefits packages once the enrollment period has passed. To avoid this, provide regular reminders about benefits. Discuss the advantages of preventive screenings. Talk about the ways employees can use the coverage that they have.

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