As prices rise higher and higher and income levels remain the same, everyone is searching for ways to save money on every front. Sadly, it is the same for businesses as well. It is vital that all areas of a business remain as cost-effective as absolutely possible. One way an individual or a business can save money is by using reward cards. There are different types of reward cards that benefit different types of businesses or individuals. Fuelman Fleet is one reward card that is meant to aid businesses in keeping their fleets on the road without having to spend an arm and a leg. Keep reading to learn more about reward cards, how they can help you save money, and whether or not a Fuelman Fleet Card is right for your business.
There are essentially three different types of reward cards. The first type is the free store loyalty card. With this type of card all consumers have to do is fill out a short form in-store or online and they can use their new card. This is the type of reward card that earns consumers some type of “points” every time they shop with that store. The second type is a variation of the first. This is the paid store rewards card. With this version, members pay a small fee annually to gain special rewards. These rewards can take a myriad of different shapes and sizes and can be anything from a discount every time you shop to free items. The third type is a type of credit/debit card. This type of reward cards are made to be used in certain stores, every purchase gets a discount, and earn rewards every time a purchase is made or the bill is paid off. This is the category that the Fuelman Fleet card falls into.
Here are some of the many benefits of using a Fuelman Fleet Card. There are quite a few different options that you can choose from depending on your exact needs. Every card gives the user a discount on every gallon of fuel purchased as well as any repairs that may need to be done. Whoever is in charge of the Fuelman Fleet Card account will have 24/7 access to them. Every charge made, when it was made, where it was made, and what was purchased. For large fleets, it is often difficult to keep track of every driver and their Fleet card. With Fuelman Fleet, you can limit the use of the card to an amount limit, the number of times used in a day, or what time during the day the card can be used. You can also receive notifications of any unauthorized charges and stop them before they are processed. This is by far one of the best benefits, perhaps even greater than the discounts.
As previously stated, there is a multitude of different cards to choose from based off of need. Here is a list of the options that are currently available.
- Fuelman Diesel Advantage Fleet Card – This card is for diesel only fleets. You can use this card at any of the associated (50,000) fuel centers and (20,000) maintenance shops. This card offers wholesale savings.
- Fuelman Commercial Advantage Fleet Card – This card is for mixed (diesel and gasoline) fleets. This card offers wholesale savings and can be used at any of the associated locations.
- Fuelman Diesel Platinum Fleet Card – This option is for diesel only fleets. It can be used at any of the associated locations and offers retail-based savings.
- Fuelman Advantage Fleet Card – This is another option for mixed (gasoline and diesel) fleets. It offers retail-based savings and can be used at any of the associated locations.
- Fuelman Advantage Platinum Mastercard – This card is best used by businesses and organizations with mixed fleets (gasoline and diesel). This version is accepted anywhere you can use a Mastercard and offers retail savings.
- Fuelman Public Sector Fleet Card – This card is for governmental and non-profit organizations. This card can be used at any of the 50,000 associated fuel centers or the 20,000 associated maintenance locations.
As with anything, there are downsides to reward cards and Fuelman Fleet cards are no different. The biggest downfall to Fuelman Fleet is that most of the cards can only be used at locations that participate in the program. While there are locations nationwide, there are always going to be areas where you may not be able to find a participating location. If this happens and you are running out of fuel, this could lead to a very big problem. Â Other reward cards have varying problems. This can range anywhere from requiring too many reward points to receive any kind of actual reward to having fees that run too high. All Things Considered, Fuelman Fleet cards are still a great choice. Even though the choices of fueling and repair locations are limited, there are a total of 50,000 participating fuel locations and 20,000 repair locations nationwide.
As a means of savings, Fuelman Fleet is a good choice because it provides a variety of rewards and savings opportunities. Before signing up, it is advisable to research where the participating locations are; if they are near your base of operations and on your usual routes. After deciding to sign up for a Fuelman Fleet Card account all you have to do is head over to their website. There is a very simple form to fill out with your company’s basic information. There is also a whole page on their website dedicated to helping you choose which card is best for your fleet. You can get all of the details for each card that they offer; savings information, control features, and any other information you may need.
There you have it, all of the reasons that a Fuelman Fleet card makes a great reward card for your company’s fuel-guzzling fleet. There are plenty of ways to save your business money, but there are a few ways to save money on fuel or vehicle repair. Thankfully, that is changing, slowly, but surely. Keep in mind that using these cards means you are striving for long-term savings. This is not the way to achieve fast, immediate savings, but you will be saving nonetheless.