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Five Ways to Build Your Confidence as an Entrepreneur

Source: Unsplash

There’s a lot of excitement that goes along with being an entrepreneur. There can also be a lot of self-doubt and uneasiness. Whether you’re just beginning your journey to entrepreneurship or you’ve been an entrepreneur for years, you make lots of decisions every day, and the more you make, the more unsure you may become.

Don’t let your self-doubt guide your decision making process. If you do, your business is doomed for failure. Find ways to build your confidence instead.

Go Back to School

Anyone with a good idea and determination can become an entrepreneur, but if you’re wondering how it actually works and what you need to do to be successful in the long run, you may want to consider applying for an entrepreneurial leadership program. An official program can teach you about the details of entrepreneurship that are extremely difficult to learn on your own.

If you don’t have time to go back to school full-time, consider enrolling in a community education class or look for courses you can complete online in your spare time. Knowledge is power, and knowing more about entrepreneurship will definitely help build your confidence.

Find a Mentor

Even if you graduated from an entrepreneurship program, you may still feel a little unsure of yourself. Getting a second opinion and support from someone you admire can go a long way towards boosting your self-esteem.

Coworkers, friends, and family can help, but if you really want someone who knows what they’re talking about, reach out to a mentor.

Finding a mentor can be difficult, but it isn’t impossible. Consider reaching out to someone you admire who is involved in the same industry. If you graduated from an entrepreneurship program, you may be able to ask your alma mater if they can connect you with someone. You can also consider going online to websites like LinkedIn where you can find many professionals who may be willing to mentor you.

Challenge Yourself to New Things

It’s a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone. Although you may think staying where you know you’re most capable is a good way to boost your confidence, the opposite is actually true.

You have to step outside your comfort zone!

That could mean taking on a project you’re unsure about or doing something adventurous, like bungee jumping. Stepping outside your comfort zone can help you become a better entrepreneur by:

  • Forcing you to grow
  • Helping you discover something new you enjoy
  • Showing yourself that you can overcome challenges
  • Filling you with pride and self-confidence
  • Helping you focus on learning and growth instead of failure
  • Uncovering new ideas that you may not otherwise have discovered

The trick is to step outside your comfort zone regularly. Small things can be tackled every day or week, while bigger projects may take place over time with a bigger payoff at the end.

Create Personal and Professional Boundaries

As an entrepreneur, you get used to saying yes to new opportunities. That’s a quick way to burn yourself out and cultivate self-doubt. It’s actually much better to learn how to create boundaries if you want to be the best entrepreneur you can be.

If you learn how to say no to personal and professional commitments that aren’t serving you, you’ll notice a big change in your daily life.

The benefits of setting boundaries with those around you include:

  • An increase in self-awareness
  • The ability to focus on the things that are most important to you
  • Having more time to take care of yourself
  • Feeling like you have more control over your day
  • Experiencing fewer feelings of anger and hopelessness

Start a Journal of Your Accomplishments

You may have heard about starting a gratitude journal, but did you know journaling can help you at work too? It can help you zero in on your long-term career vision and help you handle stress, but it can also boost your confidence.

A journal can include any kind of writing that helps you clear your mind, but it can be especially effective to write down your daily accomplishments, no matter how big or small. By writing them down, you can spend more time focusing on what you do than what you didn’t have time for, which can transform your mental health and make you feel more confident at work.

Being an entrepreneur often comes with feelings of inadequacy, but you deserve to be exactly where you are! Increase your confidence and enjoy the journey of entrepreneurship by following the tips on this list.

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