Essential Tips To Building An Effective Email Design

Consider your marketing email like cooking a specific dish, it isn’t going to taste good unless you mix all the right ingredients together in the right proportion.

A well drafted email with appropriate font and relevant image(s) can help you get more conversions and grow your subscriber list over time. On the other hand, if you don’t pay enough attention to the design of your email, you might end up loosing more subscribers than gaining, and this can damage your brand reputation. That is why learning how to design your email properly can prove beneficial for you in the long run.

An Eye-Catching Design

The nature of your audience dictates which type of design and template would be the best for your emails. Here are some common things you can use to achieve an eye-catching design.

  • Make sure to use some relevant images that make sense, as an image can be used as a type of visual communication tool and might help draw more clicks.
  • Optimize the title line, headings and subheadings so they are easily accessible and readable across all the devices. Pay especial attention to mobile optimization, as most of the people read emails on their handsets these days.
  • Keep the template and fonts simple and easy to understand, use good contrast of different colors for headings, highlighted text and other links to improve readability.

Through effective drafting and designing techniques, you can choose what your customer sees first, and an eye-catching design can give your prospect the impression that you sell some good quality products.

Make It Convenient

Today, people have busy lives, and they’ll certainly have much better things to do than just sitting in front of their screens and following your links for a hours. There are many things you can do to make the process convenient for your prospect and reduce the email friction. Here are some of them.

  • The best thing you can do to get more sales is by creating an in-shop landing page or a micro site to fit within the body of your email. This way, the reader won’t have to follow different links to get to the product.
  • If you want to conduct any survey and collect information directly from your customers, then try adding the form in the very email you send , this makes it more likely for the readers to take the survey.
  • Video is an additional thing that can enable you to fit lots of data into a single email. Things like tutorials, product intros and how-to guides are a perfect thing to add to your marketing emails.

These steps are meant to convenience your customers by optimizing the email body.

While doing all these things is necessary for every business if they have long term goals, there certainly are more things like getting your email list validated by services like DeBounce and TheChecker which can help you sort data effectively, and prevent hard bounces to improve your brand’s reputation.

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