Katharine Halpin

Building Organizational-Wide Alignment

Katharine Halpin

Katharine Halpin, the Founder of The Halpin Companies and Co-Founder to an alliance of consulting firms who bring organizational-wide alignment to organizations of all sizes across the Globe joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest Katharine Halpin discuss the following:

  • What exactly do you mean by organizational-wide alignment?
  • You emphasized the ‘keeping’ everyone on the same page. Is that difficult?
  • Why is this so important?  Can’t we just post our vision and values on posters in the lobby?
  • Since our economy is hurting and every company needs their people to bring more to their job, please share more about how leaders might build this emotional resonance?
  • So that’s the Why and the What.  Is there anything else a leader needs to share?

Motivated by a passion for success for everyone, Katharine Halpin makes contributions to the field of integrative thinking every day.  She helps leaders focus on two opposing perspectives simultaneously; “what is best for the bottom line?” as well as “what is best for the team?”

Using The Halpin Companies’ proven methods, organizations of all sizes have increased the value for their owners/shareholders, their customers and their industries by solving business problems quickly and strategically. We help our clients on their journey to get ahead of the business curve.  We provide a roadmap that builds both competencies and confidence to drive results now and in the future, leading to:

  • Strategic Alignment of Structure and People
  • Improved Revenue – Top Line and Bottom Line
  • Accelerated, Strategic and Effective Decision-Making

The Halpin Companies’ clients then have a stable foundation to achieve repeatable and forecast-able results to ensure the entire organization is keeping pace with the CEO’s strategy.


Katharine is the author of the highly-acclaimed book, Alignment for Success: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself, Your Teams and Your Company, published in December 2014 by Vollor Guenther Publishers.

Katharine has been in interviewed by or featured in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine, The Financial Times of London, FastCompany.com, Inc.com, The Journal of Accountancy, and a variety of regional and local media outlets.  All of her media can be found on her website at www.HalpinCompany.com.

Since 1985, Katharine has served continuously as a member of various not-for-profit and professional association boards including the global board of the International Coach Federation (1998-2000), Arizona Society of CPAs (2000-2004), Arizona Chapter of the National Speakers Association (2012-2014) and Arizona Business Leadership, Inc. (2002-2005).  She is currently a member of Charter 100 of Phoenix, the International Coach Federation, the National Speakers Association and the American Institute of CPAs.

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Website: www.HalpinCompany.com

Social Media Links:
Facebook: facebook.com/katharine.halpin
Twitter: @KatharineHalpin

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