A Guide to Teaching Children How to be Responsible

We all know that most things start at home, and at a young age. For example, if a child is being aggressive towards someone, they are likely used to this sort of behavior due to exposure at home. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general, children tend to mimic what they see and are taught at home. This means that, as a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your children how to be responsible. If a child is taught these skills at a young age, they’re more likely to turn into a responsible adult. We’ll be guiding you through a few steps you can take to encourage this.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Teach them the value of money

While most children understand the importance of money, they don’t necessarily understand that the value in money lies not only within how much of it you have, but in how you use it. You can help your children manage their money by teaching them how to save. An easy way of doing this is to have a piggy bank and have them put a certain amount of pocket money in it each week or month. You can also encourage them to invest. Yes – there are now kids investing apps, which will do wonders for how they manage their money now and in the future.

Get them a pet

Pets offer many benefits, especially when it comes to young children. They can help kids cope with trauma, improve their social skills, and encourage them to exercise more regularly. However, the main benefit of getting a pet for your child is that it encourages responsibility. Of course, parents will need to help, but understanding that they are responsible for taking care of a living creature by feeding them and loving them will do wonders for a child’s maturity and responsibility. Exotic pets like ferrets aren’t recommended. We suggest you stick to a cat or dog.


We all know that a big part of life is doing things you don’t like. Unfortunately, you don’t have much of a choice. There are some things you just can’t avoid – they are your responsibility. The sooner children understand this, the better. The best way of helping them understand this is to have them do chores. Remember that this is a way of teaching them responsibility, not a form of punishment, so be realistic in what you expect from them. Click here for some age-appropriate chores.


In the adult world, we don’t usually get rewarded for making a responsible choice. That being said, it might be a good idea to reward your children for being responsible. This will motivate them to keep making a responsible decision, and eventually, it will be a habit that they don’t think twice about. This is a good way of teaching them how to have a responsible mindset. An example would be allowing them to have chocolate after doing all their homework, or giving them pocket money only after they’ve finished all their chores for the week.

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