3 excellent courses for forward-thinking entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurialism has a quicksilver quality which means that rather than being one-dimensional, it more closely resembles a combination innate and learned agile attributes which work together in weird and wonderful ways to produce outstanding results.

So for instance, as well as a predisposition for recognising opportunities which others may miss by seeing things from alternative angles, it also includes a combination of emotional intelligence, creativity and technical skills, as well as the ability to communicate clearly and delegate effectively.

However, if you’d like to boost your ability to be your own boss, there are a number of learning resources that could steer you towards self-made success.

With that in mind, here are three excellent courses for forward-thinking entrepreneurs.

  • Fail effectively

Thomas Edison said that ‘many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up’.

And in a society with such a narrow definition of what truly constitutes success, you’ll have to be resilient in the face of rejection to fulfil your enterprising ambitions.

So rather than muddle away under your own steam, learn How to Fail with The School of Life, the worldwide emotional intelligence organisation attempting to teach us all how to thrive through ideas borrowed from the greatest minds in philosophy, literature and psychology. 

  • Tell engaging stories

A growing body of research now supports the theory that instead of being concrete, the reality each of us experience is actually a form of controlled hallucination formed by neural networks which, from birth, use patterns to build stories about our place and purpose in the world. 

Therefore, people across diverse cultures are hard-wired to enjoy the classic three or five act story structure on which all stories are based and taking a Storytelling for Business course with John Yorke can help you create the type of deep and meaningful customer relationships that build sustainable brands. 

Having worked as the script editor for TV hits like EastEnders and Shameless, John knows a thing or two about inciting incidents, turning points and the hero’s journey – all of which benefit your business.

  • Science of success

Complex datasets and the Artificial Intelligence tools and techniques which dissect them to uncover the most useful information and insights offer an unparalleled opportunities for businesses to make effective decisions at a strategic level. 

So studying for an MSc in Data Science with Anglia Ruskin empowers your business plans by arming you with the latest cutting-edge knowledge on topics like data analysis, machine learning and ethical hacking – skills that will keep you several steps ahead of the competition.

When business is data-driven rather than trial and error, your chances of success probably increase significantly, and you’ll be confident taking the types of calculated risks that allow you to differentiate yourself and forge your own path.

Any one of these courses can fast-track your entrepreneurial vision, so choose the one that suits you best and never lose sight of your goal. 

So ends our list – but share your own entrepreneurial course tips in the comments section.

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