Peter Rex Feature

You must create and execute a strategy to match your vision

Peter Rex


Peter Rex, an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and thought leader who built a billion-dollar investment business from scratch in less than 7 years and now runs a technology company based in Seattle again joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Peter Rex discuss the following:

  1. People in business often say that your employees are your strongest asset. Having hired hundreds of people, what are your best practices for hiring?
  2. You have said that you like to hire people that you call “rise-uppers”. Talk to us more about what that means.
  3. What ideals and virtues do you think are important drivers for a company’s success?
  4. You talk about operating with calculated boldness. Can you elaborate on what that means?
  5. If you want to leave our audience with one piece of advice, what would that be?

Peter Rex is the founder and CEO of Trustwork, a technology business driven to empower the global workforce and recreate the world’s economy. Trustwork’s mission fulfills deeply held desires from Peter’s childhood and is a byproduct of Peter’s life experience as a middle-class youth with an extreme drive to serve people of all nations. 

Peter developed core elements of Trustwork’s vision while building a $1 billion integrated investment and operations company. He went from bootstrapping in 2005 as a construction worker to now having 400+ employees, $135mm in annual revenue, and $350mm of equity invested.

In 2015, Peter embarked on an 18-month investigation to understand how to apply his vision at the largest possible scale. He recognized the value that physically seeing local problems, opportunities, and cultural nuances would have in developing and executing a truly global strategy. His trip led him to 85 countries where he held over 600 meetings with business leaders, government officials, and everyday people.

Peter returned with his family to the United States having seen the potential in people across all geographies and socio-economic classes, and the extent to which they had been limited by lack of access to the new economy. He knew that the best investment would be in creating meaningful technology that would allow people throughout the economy to amplify their entrepreneurial drive and human ingenuity. 

Trustwork’s initial focus is on recreating the “old economy” industries of real estate and construction, but will eventually empower every person in the global workforce.

Peter Rex lives with his wife and three children in Seattle and regularly operates in San Francisco, Dallas, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and New York. He is a CPA and lawyer, and received a BA in philosophy and government from Georgetown University and a JD from Harvard Law School.

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