Will Blockchain Technology Put an End to Online Gambling Addiction

Technology has always played the role of a game changer in the everyday world and time and again, it has been known to disrupt an existing ecosystem completely and build a new one. There are many instances in history where this has proven to be true. The introduction of computers changed the course of every industry in the world. Then came the internet which is still an untamed beast that is gaining strength on a day to day basis and has the power to change the course of the world all over again.

Another huge development from the internet has that been of blockchain technology. This technology has majorly known to be used in the cryptocurrency domain is a very powerful development and has the power the course of a lot of industries including ones like online casinos.

Here is a look at the factors that make this technology lucrative and useful.

High level of transparency

The blockchain technology majorly is built on open source and this lends it a lot of credibility and transparency. The open source platform gives other users the ability to make necessary changes and adapt the technology to suit their needs. This open source angle also makes this technology secure as alterations are not easy to hide from so many eyes on the network. These factors make this an ideal technology for companies like Vegas mobile casino which runs reputed mobile casinos.

It offers lower transaction costs and faster settlements

The current financial sector has a lot of handicaps because of the various technologies and protocols used by financial institutions. This can lead to certain transactions even taking days to complete. Blockchain technology will help reduce this time gap substantially and help complete transactions much faster. Online casinos like Vegas mobile casino can make use of this technology to deliver quicker financial transactions to their customers. This will also help to reduce the cost of financial transactions that online casinos and their customers have to bear.

Specific applications

Apart from the domains that are mentioned above the power of blockchain technology can be used in many sectors. Let us take for example the online casinos that operate on the internet domain. The huge amount of data that can be collected from this domain using the blockchain technology can be analyzed to identify the user behavior of customers who engage in gaming at such online portals.  The can then identify users who have a gambling problem, online casinos can then save these people before it becomes too late. This will also help such online portals take forward their motto of responsible gaming.

Blockchain technology can be looked upon as a beast that has immense strength and power. The question, however, is that whether this wild beast can be tamed and put to good use. If the mass is successful in doing that, some unprecedented breakthroughs can certainly be expected in the coming days.

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