If you are trying to grow your accounting firm, you probably learned several marketing tips within the course of your studies when seeking an online accounting degree. You chose to get your masters in accounting online simply because it was the most expedient way to earn that upper level degree while maintaining a fulltime job.
As a career with a high rate of growth in the coming years, schools like UAB Collat School of Business also focus on other areas of business which include, of course, marketing to grow your client base. Podcasting is one of the better strategies you will find to be highly efficient. Here are a few reasons why.
An Accountant Should Be Viewed as an Expert in Financial Matters
Podcasts are interesting ways to increase visibility as an expert in your field. You have that online MACC degree and you are, for all intents and purposes, truly an expert in all things related to finances, up to and including IRS tax laws.
Few people understand the technical jargon spewed by government and so a regular podcast on taxes (especially at tax time!) can help people better understand why they need an accountant to sort through all the red tape. After all, no one likes to be audited. Podcasts clearly define you as an expert in tax laws which invariably change and evolve year by year. Podcasts clearly define you as an expert in all things financial.
Podcasts Help Your Listeners Stay Current on Financial News
Many people listen to podcasts as a way of learning about things they don’t understand. Podcasts also provide a way to help keep listeners up on the latest news. For example, do you know what the current cost of living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security recipients will be for the coming year? Do you know about proposed changes to tax laws and what Congress is currently voting on that could affect the amount of income you can make before government takes 50 percent of your earnings?
This is all important information your audience may spend hours researching only to be given inaccurate data. You are the expert on tax law, so give them something for nothing. Give your listeners the latest news free of charge. Give them bits of advice they can literally take to the bank.
Use Podcasts to Teach Potential Clients about Investment Products
The more you can teach your audience, the easier it will be to get them to trust you as the voice of authority. So many people are looking to invest in something which will grow their wealth for retirement but they aren’t aware of the many investment products out there. You can use a weekly podcast to teach about the different types of investments and then suggest who these products might be best suited for.
If you haven’t thought about the benefits of growing your client base through podcasting, this is something you may want to try. You would be surprised at just how many people will begin trusting you, following you and then seeking you out when they need your services. Looking to try something new as a marketing strategy? Podcasting would be a great place to start.