Julie Stubblefield

Why it is important for entrepreneurs to take care of their health

Julie Stubblefield

Julie Stubblefield, founder of the Fit Mom Revolution, your expert on maintaining health so you can grow your wealth joins Entrepreneurial Fit Radio to discuss why it is important for entrepreneurs to take care of their health.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest Julie Stubblefield discuss the following:

  • Please share a little about how you have the inside scoop on entrepreneurs and their health habits.
  • Why is it important for entrepreneurs to take care of their health?
  • What are the biggest roadblocks that hold them back?
  • What myths exist around these roadblocks?
  • How will taking care of themselves impact these entrepreneurs’ businesses?

Duration: 9:10

After spending most of her adult life in the yo-yo diet cycle, Julie Stubblefield became determined to get fit for good. Seventy pounds lighter, she became a fat loss coach and opened her own personal training studio in Mechanicsville, VA.

Julie has spent the last few years working with hundreds of women to not only change how they eat and exercise, but also how they view themselves and their roles in this world. Knowing that the struggles moms face are universal, Julie launched the Fit Mom Revolution to reach women worldwide who are looking for support and guidance on their journey to live fulfilling and healthy lives.

Julie’s motto is, “Life is more than the size of your pants or the number on the scales.  It’s about the enjoyment of what’s around you and the fulfillment you can experience while getting healthy.”

Fit Mom Revolution

Web Site: www.fitmomrevolution.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thefitmomrevolution
Twitter: @juliefitmomrev
Free Gift: http://bit.ly/FMRcheatsheet

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