Why Every Defendant Needs a Bail Bond Agent

Bail is a refundable deposit that guarantees your appearance at any court proceedings. It is usually paid in cash or property such as a home.

Bail bond agents provide written agreements to criminal courts that they will pay the full amount of bail if the defendant fails to appear for their trial dates. The agent pays a premium to an insurance company and they also charge a non-refundable fee to the defendant.

person in jail - bail bond
Source: Unsplash+

1. They Help You Get Out of Jail

Companies like in san diego bail bonds allow people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford to pay the full amount of their bail to be released from jail. In exchange for a fee, the bondsman promises to pay the court the remainder of the bond amount in case the defendant misses their court date.

Bail amounts are set at a judge’s discretion, depending on the crime committed. If a judge determines that a person is a flight risk, they may deny bail.

A bail bondsman will often meet the person who is arrested at the jail to begin the process of posting their bond. This will require that the person pay a percentage of the total bail bond and pledge collateral to the bondsman. This guarantees the defendant will appear at their court dates.

2. Can Help You Stay Out of Jail

A bail bondsman is a licensed professional who works for a company that writes bail bond insurance policies. They know the complex laws surrounding bail to ensure that those arrested on charges can get out of jail until trial.

When someone posts bail with a bail bond agent they have a legal contract that requires them to show up for all of their court dates. If they skip out on their obligation they are considered a fugitive and a warrant for their arrest is issued. A bail bond agency will then hire bounty hunters to track the defendant down.

They will also require that they put up some form of collateral such as a house or car. This makes them less likely to skip out on their obligations since they would be putting their own property at risk.

3. Can Help You Get a Job

There are more than 14,000 bail bondsman currently operational across the United States. While some states ban private bonding altogether, others allow it and regulate it.

Bail bond agents are responsible for examining and reviewing the background of their clients to ensure that they can be counted on to make payments on time and attend all scheduled court dates. It is in the best interest of the bail bonds company to guarantee that their client appears at all times, as this ensures that they will get their money back from the court.

In addition to conducting background checks, they also take possession of any property that is posted as collateral. This can include anything from jewelry and artwork to vehicles and even houses. If you are a property owner, this could mean losing your home or business.

4. Get a Driver’s License

If you’re interested in becoming a bail bond agent, it’s important to complete a pre-licensing course that includes 12 hours of legal training. You’ll also need to pass a background check, which will include looking at any criminal records or felony convictions.

Bail bondsmen can help people who can’t afford to pay their full bail amount. They can even secure a property bond, which allows the defendant to put up their house or other assets as collateral. 

This means that if they don’t show up to court, the bail bondsman will get the money back by taking the property as payment. However, they often have to impose conditions like checking in via phone or being monitored in some way. They can also hire bounty hunters to track down those who skip out on their obligations.

5. Help You Get a Credit Card

A bail bondsman can help you get a credit card so you don’t have to use your own money to pay for the bond. These cards typically have low balances and offer a payback option of one to two percent cash back, points or miles.

Many jurisdictions will allow you to post a property bond, which is a refundable deposit made in the form of real estate or other valuable assets under your ownership. However, you must promise to adhere to the terms of the bond agreement and attend your court hearings in order to get your money back.

Bail bond companies are considered high-risk by most merchants like goldenboybailbonds.com has the knowledge and experience to handle these transactions and help you protect your reputation from chargebacks.

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