Which Is The Favorite IDE of Laravel Developers?

An Integrated Development Environment, also known as an IDE, is a piece of software developed specifically to create software in a programming language or set of programming languages.

They provide us with everything we require to write, test, and debug our project, which allows the development process to be completed much more quickly thanks to a series of services and features.

When it comes to developing an application or doing any kind of programming, every Laravel developer for hire knows that having a suitable development environment might mean the difference between finishing the project on time and getting a headache instead.

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Today’s article will focus on the IDEs that Laravel developers love using to develop incredible applications. If you are a future laravel developer or a business owner who is curious about the topic, keep on reading.


PhpStorm is an excellent choice for those interested in working in the field of web development. It is utilized to produce beautiful projects in WordPress, Symfony, Drupal, Zend Framework, Laravel, Magento, Joomla, CakePHP, Yii, and especially Laravel.

The editor truly “gets” your code and understands its structure on a deep level, providing support for all of the PHP language features that current projects require. It offers the most effective code completion, error prevention on the fly, and more.

Utilize the refactoring, debugging, and unit testing tools available for advanced frontend technologies such as HTML5, CSS, Sass, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Emmet, and JavaScript. Live Edit allows you to view the results of any changes made in the browser in real-time.


The programming language Java is the primary focus of NetBeans, which is an IDE that is entirely free to use. In addition, there is a selection of add-on modules available.

There are no limitations placed on how NetBeans IDE2 can be used, as it is a freely available open-source program.

You are able to create Web apps using PHP using NetBeans, which also has a robust integrated debugger and support for the Symfony MVC framework, which is an excellent PHP-based application development model.

Because it supports AJAX, more and more people are adopting NetBeans as an integrated development environment (IDE) to create applications that run on LAMP or WAMP.

Microsoft Visual Studio

It is a robust development environment that was created specifically for Microsoft technologies; nevertheless, it can support a large number of other languages thanks to plugins.

A terminal that is integrated with both GIT and the NuGet package manager is included.

In addition, thanks to the implementation of artificial intelligence, the 2019 edition is able to study and comprehend the C# code that we employ.

Unquestionably a dependable and potent editor that works equally well on Mac and Linux as it does on Windows.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text has established itself as an industry standard, making it a classic among code editors; nonetheless, it has not lost any of its usefulness despite the passage of time.

It is a straightforward editor that is remarkably lightweight and can be configured in various ways thanks to the extensive ecosystem of plugins available for it.

Even though it is a premium code editor, you can use it completely free of charge and with access to all of its features; the only thing you are required to do is put up with a sign that asks you to register occasionally.

If you are looking for a lightweight and speedy solution to begin development in technologies like Javascript, HTM, CSS, or PHP, amongst others, Sublime is an excellent option to consider.


Eclipse is another open-source choice that has been around the longest and has proven to be the most dependable.

It has a large community of developers working on a wide variety of plugins required to bring Eclipse up to the level of other first-class integrated development environments such as PHPStorms, NetBeans, and Zend studio.

Because the basic configuration is not simple, each user will need to spend some time tailoring it to their preferences after installing it.

Some software developers have voiced their dissatisfaction with its sluggish performance.

However, there is no longer a need to worry about this issue because the computers that are utilized these days are strong enough that users will not detect any performance differences between this IDE and others.

Syntax highlighting, code assistance, code formatting, refactoring, code templating, code navigation, PHP debugging, and syntax validation are some of the essential features. In addition, there is a big user community.

The Bottom Line

Web apps are continually evolving to become more challenging to use. Finding a web portal that consists solely of a frontend part in this day and age is difficult.

Consequently, it is becoming increasingly common for developers to learn to work with not only frontend languages but also back-end languages, database calls, and different IDEs.

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