The process of developing web applications is the design of programs from the application group, which in turn are hosted on servers, from these places ordinary users can use them remotely on their mobile devices via the Internet. A feature of virtual apps and their difference from standard programs is the fact that the above products may not be downloaded to your device in order to use them. In order to use the application, you just need to provide access to the Internet, and you can use any browser. In most cases, applications are prepared in JavaScript, as well as in CSS and HTML5.
Since the field of virtual application designing is constantly improving, it is natural that new IT technologies appear on the market every day, so it is important to implement them in business projects. It is a professional web application development company will be able to perform a number of duties regarding the creation of a digital product, rest assured that all services will be performed at a high level. It is necessary to take into account such a factor that trusting experienced specialists with an extensive portfolio and numerous cases, you can safely be sure that they will do the job efficiently, on time, taking into account innovative technologies.
What features should be considered?
Typically, designing circle management is handled by not big designing groups. Front-end development uses client-type programming, that is, a web browser. For programming, the following languages ​​​​are used – HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
While programming in HTML, the parameters by which information will be displayed are set. At the same time, CSS allows you to choose the right format to save the original data, and the JavaScript programming language allows you to make separate content interactive and also run the code on the page.
Client-type programming is supported by server-type programming. At the same time, server-side programming is necessary to generate scripts that are written using the following languages ​​- Ruby, Java, Python. Through scripting, developers create an interface that can be directly configured by the end user, while additionally hiding the source code.
To store some of the data that is needed during the development process, databases are used, for example, MySQL, MongoDB.
Best practics
When creating web applications, a huge amount of information is used, which can contain a large number of errors. That is why it is extremely noticable to pay attention to the testing process, which in the case of virtual apps turns out to be quite complex and time-consuming.
The following tests are operated in the testing process for:
- Security
- Performance
- Availability
- Stress and loads
- The convenience of use
Other tests may also be used, depending on the kind of app, its specificity and purpose. HTML or CSS code is checked, cross-browser testing can be performed, some verification steps are performed automatically.
Frequently used tools
Developers operate a great range of instruments to make virtual applications work. Here are mentioned the most popular development tools:
- jQuery, as well as Ruby on Rails – used in JavaScript, designed for frameworks and libraries;
- Bootstrap is a standalone platform that allows you to automate the phase;
- Js is a separate environment that is used in the JavaScript internal programming process.
Tools allow you to speed up and simplify the process of developing web applications.
Designing of hybrid and original applications
It is not uncommon for original and hybrid applications to be compared to standard web apps. Meanwhile, significant differences still exist. The main feature of original apps is that such ones are created exclusively for one site or for a specific gadget, they need to be installed. For example, native applications can use individual elements of the device equipment, while they have a fairly wide functionality compared to hybrid ones.
Hybrid applications combine the benefits of virtual applications and native development, so they can perform the same operation purposes. At the same time, a feature of hybrid apps is that they have access to internal APIs and resources. Hybrid apps cannot work offline, but they can still have the same navigation as the standard apps.