Top Tech Trends for New Cars Featured Image

Top Tech Trends for New Cars

a close up of a cars dashboard with a steering wheel
Source: Unsplash

Every August begins the “new model rollout” season in the automotive industry. These days that means more than yearly price increases, a larger selection of hybrids and smarter anti-theft devices. This era’s tech upgrades for fresh vehicle models include mind-blowing smartness and futuristic components that are one generation away from self-flying cars operated by brain waves. All kidding aside, the “class of 2020” in the auto industry includes some amazing technology that would have all our grand-parents shaking their heads in disbelief. Another amazing auto trend this year has been custom license plates that you can check here.

Many auto retailers are following an industry benchmark when it comes to accepting swaps and exchanges on tech options, the Walmart TV return policy. Depending on the dealership, customers can choose from a large menu of tech add-ons after their car is delivered. If they change their minds later, it’s as easy as returning the car to the dealer and having the add-on removed. This has become a common practice as consumers “test drive” various high-tech vehicle systems like all-around cameras sophisticated entertainment systems. Here are the top tech trends for cars, along with some new policies:

Camera Systems

We’re not talking about “old-fashioned” backup cameras, but the new versions on many Japanese and Korean makes that virtually wrap around the vehicle and can even be set to store data in the event of an accident. Buyers have already demonstrated a powerful appetite for all thing’s camera-related on vehicles, so this new high-end, high-tech trend is likely here to stay.

Remote Start

Here’s another buyer favorite that has been enhanced and upgraded based on owner surveys. The simplest remote starters allow you to start your engine from up to 100 yards away. Newer versions do much more than crank up the motor. They let you turn on stereos, lights, cameras, and any other tech gadget in the vehicle. The two most popular are heaters and air conditioners, so drivers can be comfortable by the time they get behind the wheel. 

Smart Cruise Control

Also known, like an old friend, by its initials, SCC, this clever new twist on a classic uses radar device implanted under the hood to keep you a specific distance behind or in front of cars in your lane. It might now sound like much, but car owners who use it once during highway travel swear by its convenience. SCC is in a special sub-group of car tech components: they’re really just upgraded versions of decades-old technology.

Blind-Spot Monitors

BSMs are amazingly useful tech components that go a long way toward enhancing safety. Unlike many gadgets that do nothing more than make riders more comfortable or deliver interesting capabilities, BSMs are great for larger cars, most of which include the fatal flaw of having a massive blind spot on the drivers rear, left side. Combined with all-around air bags, adaptive radar cruise control and camera systems, BSMs are part of what automakers are calling the “safety shield” technology that is a huge selling point for millions of buyers. 

Voice-Activated Everything

About two decades ago, German vehicle engineers and designers decided that it would be a great idea if people could talk to their cars, the way they spoke with friends. That dream has finally come to be. At least four new 2020 models boast full “voice interactive” systems that allow drivers to give commands to their cars.

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