Business owners realize that an effective website can market their business in a way that nothing else can. You basically have a blank slate on which to project everything that’s important about your business. Many use it to sell their products and services, but others also utilize blogs and other content to tell the visitor exactly what the business is all about. And a biography page of the business owner is a big part of that equation.
As anyone who has ever tried to write about themselves knows, it can be a tricky proposition. Many people who can talk themselves up in person have a difficult time doing so when staring at a blank computer screen. And it can be tricky to decide what to leave in and what to leave out. While it may seem like a hassle to do it, a well-done biography page can actually be one of your most effective marketing tools.
It’s important that this page comes in the service of your overall site, which should be the backbone of your marketing efforts and, as such, constructed with great diligence. Here are some of the ways you can make your biography stand out from the rest.
Use the First Person
You’ll see a lot of website biographies that use “he” or “she” to describe the person in question. While that might seem like a professional way to go and can be effective when done right, speaking from the first person, or using “I” and “me”, can actual seem much more personal. And that can allow you to make a connection with the people who are reading it. They’re more likely to feel like they know you when you use the first person, and that means that they’re more likely to trust you. In addition, it will seem like you wrote it and that it was not written for you, even if that wasn’t the case, which helps the authenticity factor.
The Fine Line
One of the most difficult things to do when writing a biography page is to try to list your accomplishments without coming off like you’re bragging. Humility is an important trait to project, so you should steer clear of anything that tends toward boastfulness. By the same token, you want to impress the people who read it and make it seem like your experience is conducive to being an excellent entrepreneur. Your best bet is to have others read it and sees if they think that it strikes the right balance and doesn’t stray too far in either direction.
Be Honest
If you try to over-inflate your achievements, you run the risk of somebody finding out that something that you claim in your biography isn’t true. That is a surefire way to engender distrust among customers, and it could perhaps even lead to a scandal. So keep to the facts without embellishment.
These are just a few tips on writing a knockout biography for your website. Just try to be yourself, and everything else will fall into place.