Tips for Buying CBD Products for Dogs: Tinctures, Treats, Pills & Paw Balm

As the cannabis regulations become less restrictive, more and more CBD supplements of various kind become available on the market. More, however, is not necessarily better. As the availability and the variety of Simply Pets CBD supplements increase, so does the risk of running into the bogus ones. How can you make sure that the CBD supplement you choose for your dog will be the one that works?

Why CBD Supplements Differ

Most CBD supplements follow the same manufacturing process. Hemp serves as the source for CBD oil extraction, and the further refining process makes CBD oil safe to consume. CBD oil then undergoes processing into the form of tinctures, capsules, topical lotions and creams, or pet treats.

There are variables to the above manufacturing process, though. And these variables are exactly what determines whether the given CBD supplement is quality or bogus. These key parameters are:

  • The strain of cannabis used: Not all CBD oil manufacturers make the effort to cultivate quality cannabis strains that are naturally low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
  • Purity: Some CBD oil manufacturers don’t attain high-purity levels of their products and don’t ensure low to none THC trace amounts.
  • Adherence to organic farming practices: Not every CBD oil manufacturer cares to actually stick to the standards of farming and harvesting cannabis organically.

A quality CBD supplement must then be a high-purity 100% organic blend of CBD oil made of specially cultivated hemp. Anything less than that may contain various toxins and higher traces of THC which can be toxic for your dog.

How to Choose a Quality CBD Supplement for Your Dog

On top of the above criteria, a quality CBD supplement:

  • Goes through testing: The most reliable CBD supplements undergo sufficient testing to validate their claims. As such, they have FDA safety approval at the minimum. Additional testimonies from independent third-party labs or institutions attesting to the CBD supplement’s safety and potency further verify its quality.
  • Has good reputation among veterinarians: More and more veterinary professionals today are knowledgeable about CBD oil supplementation. Their expertise can help you make an informed decision about what CBD supplement will work best for your pet.
  • Comes from a credible manufacturer: FDA now keeps track of the manufacturers who produce and sell bogus CBD supplements. If the CBD supplement you want to buy is quality, its manufacturer will not appear on the FDA blacklist.
  • Lists dosage recommendations: All quality CBD supplements always list recommended dosages. If a CBD supplement doesn’t specify dosing considerations, chances are that it doesn’t contain any CBD oil to begin with.

Your Dog Deserves a Quality CBD Supplement

Keeping the above criteria in mind will help you pick the most quality CBD supplement for your dog. If you’re extra cautious, though, test the quality of the CBD supplement further by introducing it gradually to your pet. Observe your dog’s reaction to the supplement and consult a knowledgeable veterinarian if you suspect something is off.

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