Tony Saldanha Featured

The Hidden Dangers of Focusing Excessively on Operational Efficiency

Tony Saldanha the CEO/Co-Founder of Inixia, the global standards and certification body for the Shared Services industry joins Enterprise Radio. Saldanha is the co-author of: Revolutionizing Business Operations: How to Build Dynamic Processes for Enduring Competitive Advantage.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is on association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Tony Saldanha discuss the following:

  1. Why are business processes (like Finance or HR) important to win in the marketplace? Isn’t it more important for companies to have superior products?
  2. How are technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) used for business operations today and how can they be better utilized?
  3. Why do most business transformation (or digital transformation) programs fail? And what can be done to avoid it?
  4. Why should Business Operations be “Revolutionized”? The book suggests that we need to revolutionize them as opposed to continually improve them.
  5. How is this book relevant to organizations beyond big companies like P&G (where the authors worked). How about small companies? Or nonprofits? Or public sector enterprises?
  6. What new skills do we need to acquire to be good at “Revolutionizing Business Operations”?
  7. How should leaders go about creating a culture of change-acceptance when it comes to revolutionizing business processes?

Tony Saldanha is CEO/Co-Founder of Inixia, the global standards and certification body for the Shared Services industry. He formerly ran Procter & Gamble’s famed multi-billion-dollar Global Business Services (GBS) and IT operations in every region across the world. Filippo Passerini’s leadership as President of P&G’s Global Business Services and CIO has been recognized as best-in-class in the industry. His strategies appear in numerous books, articles, and business reviews. He currently is a consultant to several companies and C-suite executives. Their new book is: Revolutionizing Business Operations: How to Build Dynamic Processes for Enduring Competitive Advantage.

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