The Definitive Guide to the Best Movies/Games Night for Your Kids and Their Friends

Okay parents, it’s time to get creative. With school holidays upon us, you may be thinking about ways to keep the kids entertained (and maybe even out of your hair for a couple of hours!). A movie night or a boardgames night is always a great option, but why not make it extra special with some outside-the-box thinking? Read on for our top tips on how to create the perfect movie night/games night for your child and their friends – one they’ll never forget!

Source: Unsplash
  1. Hire a Fairy Floss Machine

This is guaranteed to be a hit with the kids! Fairy floss machine hire in Melbourne will add some extra excitement to the evening as they wait in eager anticipation for their sweet treat. Not to mention, it’ll be a fun activity for them to help prepare. Add some extra flair by setting up a toppings bar with sprinkles, chocolate sauce and nuts – the sky’s the limit!

  1. Build a Blanket Fort

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. Kids love blanket forts, so why not turn your living room into one? This will add an element of fun and adventure to your movie night and make it feel like a real ‘cinema experience’. You can even get creative and add some personalised touches like fairy lights or glow sticks. Perfection!

  1. Make Your Own Pizza

Movie nights just aren’t complete without pizza, right? But instead of ordering in, why not make your own? This is a great activity to do as a group – everyone can choose their own toppings and get involved in the pizza-making process. It’ll taste all the better knowing you made it yourselves, not to mention it’ll keep the kids occupied for at least an hour or so. By the time they make their own pizzas, wait for them to cook and then eat them, you’ll have killed a significant chunk of time and be ready for the next fun activity!

  1. Play Some Games

After the credits have rolled at the end of the movie, why not break out some boardgames, puzzles, and maybe even Twister? Games are a great way to bring people together and have some laughs. Plus, it’ll give the kids an opportunity to run off any excess energy before bedtime! Popular options include charades, card games or board games – something for everyone.

Take these tips on-board, and yours will be a movie games night the kids will never forget!

So there you have it – our guide to creating the best movie night/games night for your child and their friends. With these fun and exciting ideas, they’re sure to have a fantastic time. Enjoy!

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