From Unemployed to Businessman: Financial Steps You Should Go Through [+Bonus: 5 Win-Win Ideas to Make Money in 2021]
Economic instability in the United States in 2020 deprived many citizens of jobs and decent wages. An alternative for this category of the population was small and medium-sized businesses.Â
However, due to lack of funds, most people are not able to open their own business. If you need money now, use special loan and credit services. You can easily and as soon as possible get money for the implementation of your own project or startup. Even if you have a bad credit history, this does not affect the issuance of funds. Â

At the moment, you are unemployed and have difficulty imagining which way to move on? Perhaps now is the moment when you should change life and yourself.
Unemployment Situation in the United States
Statistical studies for December 2020 show that the unemployment rate for the country was 6.5%. According to data for December 2019, this figure was 3.4%. The highest unemployment rate — 17.7% — was recorded in El Centro, California. The city of Ames, Iowa showed the lowest performance — 2.1%.Â
Compared to 2019, the unemployment rate increased in almost all regions. The largest growth for the year occurred in Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina, Hawaii (+ 10.8 percentage points). The decline in unemployment during the year in December occurred in Yuma, Arizona (-1.9%), Fairbanks, Alaska (-0.7%) and Watertown Fort Drum, New York (-0.6%).Â
What if You Lose Your Job?
If you the unemployed didn’t need to despair. Perhaps this situation will push you to work for yourself. In general many ideas for business fly in the air. The main thing is to catch the time. Â
Think what you are able to do best of all. Imagine, it is good to wash windows and the floors are talented too! Here to you and the idea for the small cleaning agency (it is cleaning of offices and cleaning of apartments), which services are very demanded at wealthy bachelors and busy business ladies. The men able to make and repair were worth its weight in gold at all times. It is possible to organize the firm on the “husband for an hour” type, only with “highlight”. To skilled workers to knit, furnace, look for children, to walk dogs, to braid unusual braids too it is possible to find for itself the correct and interesting application!
5 Money Management Tips for the Unemployed
Psychologists say that losing a job is one of the hardest experiences in a person’s life. How not to stick up and go forward, even in such difficult moments. We have selected some specific tips for you:
- Distribute budgetary funds which are. Most likely you have obligatory monthly expenditure which can’t be postponed. It is the rent, contributions for the credits or for a mortgage, payment of utilities, perhaps, payments for training, expenses on products, drugs, necessities. Without closing, these requirements will move very hard further therefore sit down and quietly calculate the budget for the next month or two. If at once to spread the remaining savings, risk to spend for something unnecessary and to be left without money will be much lower.
- Cut in expenditure. Analyze what you spend money most of all for, and look what points can be cut down. Instead of going for dinner to a restaurant — prepare his houses. Remove expenditure without which it is possible to do some time.Â
- Avoid large purchases. The period after job loss — not time for purchase of the new car, the house or the big plasma TV.Â
- Use government programs. We advise not to lose an opportunity, and to use all advantages of programs which will help with a dismissal case. The majority grants them the right for insurance on unemployment, also training, receiving the credit for starting their own business.Â
- Look for additional income. While you look for full-time employment, think of a part-time job. So you will be able to receive money, and you will have time for development of the business and a hobby.Â
Do not delay the search for work or the opening of your own business. After all, all resources ever exhaust themselves. But no matter how good your prospects are, it will not prevent finances from being put in order.Â
Own Business Is Not Scary
To begin the business, serious financial investments are necessary, — pessimists so consider. But, as practice shows, most often really successful business begins with some hobby of the person. Sometimes — providence from above. In any good undertaking the idea and huge desire to realize it becomes a starting point. With the idea everything is simple: it is necessary to find a problem, to think up as to solve it, and to receive money for it. Actually, it is the essence of any business.
 If the implementation of your business or startup requires serious investments, there are several ways to get them:
- Take a business loan in a microcredit organization. This is the fastest way to get money in the shortest possible time. You ask, what if I need money now, but have a bad credit history? It’s not a problem today! Credit organizations give out money even in such cases. This is also a good way to improve credit history, you only need to return funds on time.
- Look for sites where investors invest. Crowdfunding today is the best way to find money to run your own business. If you are sure that your idea will resonate in the hearts of others, it is promising and aimed at success, you can easily ask for money to implement it. The amounts are collected quickly, and in gratitude to investors, you will need to either poison the gifts, or the products that you launch, or return the money, after the project is successfully implemented. All this depends on the type of crowdfunding you choose. The most popular crowdfunding platforms: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Crowdfunder. There are also other specialized platforms dedicated to musical and literary projects — PledgeMusic, Unbound, and Distrify. And for those who want to create a startup, Fundable, Crowdcube, and Seedrs sites can be useful.
 Draft a business idea, assemble a team of one-minders (if you cannot implement it yourself). Find financing by lending or investing and implementing. Expand volumes and hire staff, enabling other unemployed people to work.
Win-Win Ideas for Business with Zero Budget in 2021
Any business starts with a business idea. Take the time to find a business idea that will give you a call for creation and self-realization.
Here are some examples:
- Call center for lydogeneration. The essence of this business is that you need to organize a team of sales managers who can work remotely, sitting in quarantine at home.
- Web Comment Service. By performing a simple task, the essence of which is to add comments, questions, or likes to articles/posts/pages on the Internet, you can get money by sitting at home on the couch.
- Cleaning services. The start of such business, in fact, doesn’t require any investments. Elementary tools and safe chemical means – the main thing for this work. It is possible to place announcements on the most popular and free bulletin boards of your region. Bachelors, busy businessmen and the businesswoman, elderly people will want to use such services, certainly. Though such an idea at many raises a smile, meanwhile it is very perspective. Over time it is possible to create the website with the offered services, and in passing to begin sale of cleaning stock and household means. Other direction of development of the company – increase in number of the provided services, for example, together with cleaning also to offer clients and services of the electrician, the plumber, delivery of water and garbage removal. To receive regular customers, it is important to pay more attention to the wishes of clients, to perform the work diligently.
- Tailoring to order. Women and girls who know how and love to sew can make good money in this business. If there are not many customers at first, then you can start by sewing several universal goods. As an example, we can call: children’s blankets, curtains, tablecloths, sheets, etc. Another interesting option is bags for gifts or for toys. If you choose several different options for colors, materials, this will increase the chances of quick sale of products, because customers will have something to choose from. Having managed such work, it will be possible to move on to more expensive offers, in particular: women’s dresses and outerwear. For exclusive clothes in order, people are often ready to pay a very high price.
- Interior design in an apartment or office. More and more ordinary users are interested in design products and repairs. Such a business is suitable for creative natures who know how to fantasize, successfully combine various objects, colors and materials. To work, you will need a computer and special design programs installed on it to model various options for arranging the room. Customers can be sought both among ordinary citizens, and among the owners of offices, commercial institutions — restaurants, schools, cafes, etc. As an option, you can try to negotiate with developers, owners of construction stores to provide design services.Â
Ideas for creating your own business are limitless quantities. You just need to be able to find a niche and realize yourself in it.