Can wooden tables fit commercial needs?
The worktable should be able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage, made of reliable material that is resistant to accidentally spilled liquids, frequent washing procedures with chemicals, high temperatures, and is not easily scratched, eliminating additional space for accumulation and spreading of bacteria. Thus, stainless steel kitchen prep table and wooden countertops are two material options that more likely can satisfy the mentioned above requirements. The wooden option can serve for decades due to its sturdiness. It is a sound choice which is worth your investments. The worktop comes in different shades and finishes, depending on the wood type. Such work tables perfectly fit into the classic interior and overall design scheme and will be an indispensable assistant when performing specific food prep tasks.

When it comes to private usage, wooden tables are perfect. With competent and regular maintenance, this sustainable material will impress you with its longevity. Simplicity and elegance of design are two main features that stimulate buyers to look for a manufacturer that offers enduring beauty and high functionality in one product. For commercial businesses like bakeries, it is a solid solution to facilitate prep tasks, providing an area for mixing, rolling, and kneading the dough by hand. You can safely cut fruit and vegetables without fear that acids will impact the surface. However, with a couple of advantages, especially if comparing with metal tops like stainless steel kitchen tables, the wooden option can disappoint you with the following drawbacks:
- Wood is vulnerable to accidental spills and liquids
- The color can fade because of ultraviolet rays
- Sharp kitchen tools and objects can scratch the tops.
Being dough-friendly and meeting needs of bakeries, a wooden work table, probably, is the wrong choice for busy kitchens of food establishments and restaurants where staff and chefs, performing multiple tasks for meal preparation, must comply with sanitizing norms, relying on the surfaces they are working on. Thus, only a stainless steel kitchen work table due to its smoothness, ease of cleaning, and durable features can handle daily adverse impacts and negative effects.
Benefits businesses can obtain picking a stainless steel kitchen table
Unable to deteriorate and rust, a stainless steel product will keep its value as long as possible without losing its properties, maximizing effectiveness at commercial kitchens. A metal table has an array of undeniable advantages comparing to wooden commercial worktops:
- Exposure to moisture, high temperatures, and active chemicals cannot damage stainless steel
- Caring for the surface and instant disinfection is a straightforward task
- Sheer strength prolongs its lifespan
- Impressive resistance to corrosion
- High levels of hygiene
- Visually appealing options are available in a wide range of beautiful finishes
- 100% recyclable
- Cost-effective metal table models require less maintenance.
With AmGoodSupply, you can choose the right stainless steel kitchen tables for your needs among an array of options such as open base work tables with casters for better mobility and fast cleaning of the area, under-shelf or over-shelf for extra storage space of products and equipment, backsplash for protection the wall from water, and other quite useful accessories.