Scott Yahraus and Associates: The Answer for Distressed Companies

Scott Yahraus, the Founder and CEO of Scott Yahraus and Associates, which guides and supports trustees, conservators and business owners on assignments involving distressed or troubled businesses and/or real estate joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Scott Yahraus discuss the following:

  1. What does every business partnership need?
  2. Why can’t you rely on the courts to solve your business partnership dispute?
  3. Creating a start-up or buying an existing business. Which is better and why?
  4. No matter what your social or educational background is, every business owner needs to have these two skills and it’s not sales and marketing.  What are they?
  5. What are the business opportunities in 2023?

Scott Yahraus is professional fiduciary, investor and turnaround specialist and president of Scott Yahraus & Associates.  The company guides and supports Trustees, Fiduciaries, and Business Owners on assignments involving distressed or troubled businesses and/or real estate. If family members or partners need to be divorced from their business or troubled assets need to be transitioned, they may be able to help.


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