Real-World Solutions for Middle Managers and Frontline Supervisors Suffering from their Underperforming Teams

Bob Donaldson

Bob Donaldson, the Founder of The Lost Art of Collaboration & the author of Collaborative Power Grab: A Step-by-Step Guide for Every Leader on How to Invite, Attract, and Cultivate Collaborative Power joins Enterprise Radio.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is on association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Bob Donaldson discuss the following:

  1. What are the four ways modern-day leadership training fails Middle Managers and front-line supervisors and how fix it?
  2. What are the three most damaging ways a leader fails their supervisor?
  3. What are the two biggest problems that Middle Managers and Frontline Supervisors face?
  4. What can Middle Managers and Frontline Supervisors do tomorrow to improve the productivity of the underperforming team below them?

Bob Donaldson is the author of Collaborative Power Grab A step-by-step guy for every leader on how to invite, attract and cultivate collaborative power. He is also starting an online membership called Journey of Heroes with an online course to support every leader who needs to increase the performance of the underperforming teams that they lead. He is a change management expert. He crafts change efforts by applying unique approaches to leadership and developing collaboration in group environments. Bob’s techniques do not require a culture change in advance for these leaders in order to be successful at improving the performance of their underperforming teams.

He uses a sophisticated Dos and Don’ts list of human behaviors that ultimately become performance measurements. Over time the group moves closer to mission success while simultaneously improving job satisfaction for the entire group, one person at a time. Lowering fear in the culture, prioritizing a training ethos, building specific skills associated with solving problems and best behaviors used for increasing productivity, recognizing a positive change to enhance the ability to repeat success, integrating an organic continuous improvement paradigm while holding the individual and the group accountable to collaborative outcomes guides the group to ever-increasing levels of performance.

Combined, as the group performance significantly increases the direct supervision burden on the leader drops heavily allowing leaders to manage less and lead more. Future growth is then accelerated by the group members in perpetuity as long as the cultural tenets are held in place. With repeated application of these collaborative behaviors, the group becomes a high-performing human enterprise.


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