Path-Now: Help for San Diego Families with Developmental Disabilities

Wendy Forkas

Wendy Forkas the CEO of Adjoin and the creator of the Path-Now app joins Enterprise Radio. Adjoin has for almost 40 years helped people find communities where they feel safe and respected, and can be themselves in every aspect of their lives.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Wendy Forkas discuss the following:

  1. Can you provide an overview of Path-Now and its mission? What inspired the creation of this platform?
  2. Path-Now seems to offer unique solutions. Could you delve into the specific problems your platform addresses within its niche?
  3. How does Path-Now differentiate itself from other similar platforms in the market?
  4. Can you share some success stories or notable experiences of users who have benefited from Path-Now?
  5. Transparency is key in today’s digital landscape. How does Path-Now ensure transparency and trustworthiness in its operations?

Wendy Forkas is the CEO of Adjoin and holds a MA Behavioral Analysis and Therapy. She has over 30 years of experience working in the IDD field with over 21 years of experience serving as an executive leader for nonprofit entities in California. She has overseen day-today program operations of large community based organizations including execution of client programs including vocational services, integrated employment services, independent living services, supported living, crisis services, transportation and behavioral services including the safety program, quality assurance and program development, as well as has overseen Human Resource, Financial and Development departments of nonprofit organizations. She is a native Californian and has lived in San Diego for over 20 years. She has two grown daughters and a fur baby (dog) named Barrio.

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