Now Marketing. Is blockchain certification vital for any sphere?

Let us introduce the world of modern technologies to those of you who still live in 2008 when Blockchain appeared and was welcomed with skepticism. Back then it used to only support cryptocurrencies. Nowadays, this technology of having a transparent ledger of all the moves made within a field is widely used in nearly every sphere.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Let us take a closer look at the way it works. Once any kind of a record is made (no matter if it is a money transfer, order acceptance, or a diagnosis in a patient card), it is being saved in multiple places at the same time. This means that this record cannot be altered or deleted, which allows us to believe the information when we check it later. Everything is stored in a perfect order. The information is clear and stays exactly the way it is.

Such a layout encourages more and more engineers to get their blockchain security certification in order to improve the way things work in this world. In most of the fields that do not require privacy (such as heath records), all the ledgers are public. It enables us to check any cryptocurrency transfer or see where the shops we visit get their products from and how fresh those products are. It is nothing but wonderful!

What about Marketing though? Can we possibly use the knowledge from blockchain certification training or courses here? Of course! 

It is not a new fact that many people use ad blockers not to see all the advertisements and commercials. Moreover, today everyone is concerned about their privacy and strives to share as little information about themselves as possible. Google and Facebook are seen as a threat as they are constantly watching what their users are doing online.

All of this is a huge challenge for marketing employees and that’s when an IBM blockchain certification would help the most. The solution for safe and peaceful interaction with leads lies within decentralized systems, and blockchain is one of them. Right now we have to check user behavior in order to predict their preferences and offer the product. Apart from the fact that such an advertising process can get scary for many users, it starts to lose its efficiency. What we can do is build our marketing strategies around what a person is doing at the moment of interaction.

For example: Now we offer discounts or information to those who agree to share their data, such as name, phone number, or email address. This data is needed for our future marketing campaigns. In other words, it is needed for spamming our users and irritating them with millions of offers. Blockchain suggests giving a reward right away: The more you share the website link, the bigger discount you get or if you return to buy the second product, you will get an increased cashback. The options are numerous.

Moreover, such a strategy is believed to have better results. If a person gets a reward for an action, not for their data, it encourages them to post, share, or purchase, which actually is the goal. This is why getting at least a free blockchain certification is crucial in order to both increase sales and love the customers have towards your business.

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