Mobile Number Portability: What Is it and How to Use It

What is Mobile Number Portability (MNP)?

Mobile number portability allows you to keep the current number when choosing a new operator. The number will be reassigned to a new company, and all changes will be indicated in the subscribers database. The check status of MNP service was first launched in 2011 in India. It spread quickly, but numbers can only be ported in one telecommunications district. Clients are able to change their numbers, provided that they have used the services of the previous operator for at least three months. Switching between networks is also possible, from GSM to CDMA. Thanks to the mnp service, users don’t need to notify all partners after changing the service provider, because the number remains the same.

Photo by JÉSHOOTS from Pexels

Keeping Your Phone Number When You Change Providers

If a user decides to change the operator without changing their place of residence, the process is quite simple. It can run between providers offering wired and wireless services. The process of changing the mobile operator can be performed at any convenient time, after which it will still be possible to look up cell phone carrier by number. This requires:

  1. Review the terms of the contract. You may have to pay a fee if you terminate the contract urgently. If there are any debts, this option will be unavailable.
  2. Wait until the new company starts providing services. Otherwise, you may well be left without any communication.
  3. Contact the new company and carefully study the terms of the new contract.

Tell the operator you want to keep your current number. This information is important as the company won’t need to give you a new combination. For learning your mobile number portability status, you may need to specify additional information.

A number of companies charge fees for the number migrating. You should clarify whether these fees are obligatory, or you can refuse to deposit additional funds before signing a contract. After making a service request with a new mobile operator, the company you are terminating with cannot prohibit number migration. Even your debts will not be an obstacle. When the subscriber changes the operator, you can check the status of mnp.

The number porting process usually takes no more than a day. If you use simple ports that don’t require more than one line for communication, you will be able to use the services of a new operator the very next day. If you need additional adjustments of the telecommunication equipment, the process may be delayed. When switching from wired to wireless, the process might take several days. For more information, contact your new operator.

To Sum Up

The carrier provider lookup feature will help customer service companies not lose users after they changed their service providers. Users will be kept in databases, so it will be easy to find all necessary information to conduct bulk messaging or other types of communication.

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