Karen Ann Smythe, a Malibu, California mom is a new children’s book author

Malibu, California mom who is a new children’s book author, Karen Ann Smythe recently published the children’s book “Amazing Adventures of Fredrick the Butterfly Plus Karen & Malibu Kool Kate” joins Enterprise Radio to talk about the journey and motivation of writing.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is in association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Karen Ann Smythe discuss the following:

  • What inspired you to write the book?
  • What was the hardest part in creating this book?
  • What do you hope people will gain from reading it?
  • What has been the reaction to your book?
  • What is the next book you are working on?
  • What advice would you give to anyone looking to write a book?

Malibu resident Karen Ann Smythe recently published the children’s book “Amazing Adventures of Fredrick the Butterfly Plus Karen & Malibu Kool Kate.”

The story follows Karen and her two friends, Fredrick and Malibu Kool Kat, on an adventure that takes them to places like New York City and a tropical island. The characters and events are loosely based on Smythe’s life experiences.

Her first book, “Fredrick the Butterfly,” won an award in the Fourth Annual Beverly Hills Book Awards in the children’s nonfiction category.

Both books are currently available on Amazon.

Book Links:

Fredrick the Butterfly

Fredrick the Butterfly (IN SPANISH)

Amazing Adventures of Fredrick the Butterfly Plus Karen & Malibu Kool Kat

Social Media Links:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/karen.smythe.902
Twitter: @malibufloridan1

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