It’s one thing to say that good web design is important no matter what your website is trying to achieve, but it’s another matter entirely to benefit from it. This is due to the fact that excellent web design is all about working smarter and not harder. There are so many different pitfalls that you can accidentally suffer from while working on a website that it can be incredibly difficult to get it right without the proper experience.
Fortunately, because it’s all about benefiting from smart web design, there are a few things you can keep in mind to help steer your website in the right direction. After all, your website is what represents you in the digital world. Whether as an individual or as a company, it’s essential that you understand how you can benefit from smart web design.
Focus on making the right first impression
Unfortunately, people are so used to the Internet these days that the very second they see your website they will develop an opinion on it. This means that everything on the main landing page should be essential to pulling visitors in. How do you make it relevant? Perhaps the easiest way is to create a clear navigation menu at the top of the page. This way, you’ll be able to link to more things that your website has to offer without forcing visitors to dig around for them. It’s working smart without necessarily working harder, because you don’t have to focus on making anything convoluted. You just need to be able to convey what your website is about from the top of the web page – which is what visitors see first.
Don’t bombard them with text and content
This is perhaps one of the most important things to keep in mind because you might be tempted to give your users everything but the kitchen sink. Resist the temptation to add too much, and instead only relay what’s important in sending your message. While videos are most definitely better than large expanses of text, even the latter can be very effective so long as you take advantage of spacing, or white space. Keep your paragraphs short and decently spaced, because that can improve comprehension immensely.
With these simple tips, you’ll be able to pull visitors in without really trying. Remember that your website isn’t necessarily about the quantity of content, it’s about the quality, according to web design Oxford experts. Their services are often sought after because they know the difference between working smarter and not harder – they’ll make the necessary improvements to your website if you don’t have the required experience to tackle the task.