JP Crickets, an Italian-made loafer with the comfort of a classic velvet slipper

Susan Meyer, CEO of JP Crickets joins eCommerce Radio. JP Crickets is the go-to his and her shoe that combines an Italian-made loafer with the comfort of a classic velvet slipper. The relaxed-style shoe boasts an embroidered University logo on suede, velvet or linen with an all leather sole. The company also has collections featuring tassels, monogrammed logos and custom designs.

This episode of eCommerce Radio is in association with eAtlanta.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Susan Meyer discuss the following:

  • How did you come up with the idea for jp crickets?
  • What made you want to start a company, especially after taking a long break in order to help raise your children?
  • Your jp crickets shoes are made in Italy, how difficult was to find a shoe manufacturer to make the shoes overseas, especially since you are based in Atlanta?
  • Why did you decide to have university logos on your shoes, and can you explain the bond that a college alum has to his school?
  • Can you tell us a little bit about the different shoes that your company sells, whether it’s the suede, velvet or linen shoes that have university logos or tassels or unique designs and also the little black shoe etc.
  • Do men and women both like these shoes, what have you learned are the different style preferences for both men and women?
  • Which shoes so far are your best sellers?
  • Your husband is a successful businessman, what’s some of the best advie that he has given you as you have started on this new venture with jp crickets?
  • What does a typical day look like for you – a ceo running her business?
  • What advice would you give women who such as yourself may have worked in corporate America and then taken time off to raise their children and are now looking get back into the corporate world as an executive or as an entrepreneur
  •  How important was your family’s support when you started jp crickets, what advice did they give you and how did they help you out?
  •  In terms of folks that buy your shoes, who would be the ideal target audience that you are trying to reach?
  • Where do you hope to take jp crickets in the next few years, where do you see the company growing in the future?

Duration: 26:35

Susan Meyer, CEO of JP Crickets 

Previously an executive in the cosmetic industry, and after a long hiatus to raise two children along with assisting her husband in his entrepreneurial and investment ventures, Susan has recently re entered the business world launching a shoe line made in Italy.  With an eye for fashion, travel, and fun, she created a relaxed style loafer with a University logo on suede, velvet, and linen with an all leather sole made in Italy. She also designed her own collection featuring tassels, and her company logo with additional styles in the works. Additionally the company will produce custom designs requested by individuals, clubs, groups and corporations. The company is JP Crickets.

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