Introducing AX3, The Transformative Longevity Supplement Fighting “Inflammaging” with the Power of Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin expert, David M. Watumull, AX3 Co-Founder and CEO

David M. Watumull, Co-Founder and CEO of AX3, a consumer longevity company joins Enterprise Fit Radio. Watumull has more than twenty years of experience in product development, commercialization, and business management related to astaxanthin, a safe and powerful, naturally-occurring anti-inflammatory for human health.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest David Watumull discuss the following:

  1. The supplement industry is massive and increasingly competitive. What distinct gaps or needs did you identify in the market that led to the conceptualization and subsequent launch of AX3?”
  2. Astaxanthin, as you’ve mentioned, has myriad health benefits. But for a newcomer or a skeptic, how would you differentiate AX3’s Astaxanthin supplement from the plethora of other health supplements available in the market?
  3. There’s a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing in today’s business landscape. Can you shed some light on how AX3 ensures both product purity and environmental responsibility in its supply chain?
  4. Every business, especially in the health sector, faces its share of challenges, be it regulatory hurdles, competition, or market education. Can you share a pivotal challenge AX3 faced and how it was overcome?
  5. Looking ahead, as health and wellness trends evolve and new research emerges, where do you see AX3 in the next 5-10 years? Are there any innovations or expansions in the pipeline that you can hint at?

TIP:  In the journey of life, every wrinkle, every gray hair tells a story of experiences lived and lessons learned. While society often encourages us to hide or reverse these signs of aging, what if we celebrated them instead? Instead of fearing the passing of time, let’s redefine our relationship with it. Equip yourself with knowledge, make informed choices, and most importantly, cherish every moment. The essence isn’t in turning back the clock but embracing its ticks with grace and vigor. So, as you navigate through life’s chapters, remember: it’s not about how many years we live, but the life in those years. Age, but age fearlessly.

David M. Watumull, Co-Founder and CEO of AX3

David M. Watumull has more than twenty years of experience in product development, commercialization, and business management related to astaxanthin—a safe and powerful, naturally-occurring anti-inflammatory for human health. He is the co-founder and CEO of AX3, a consumer longevity company formed to help people be their best selves, longer. AX3 targets inflammaging—a core hallmark of aging—at its source with bio-pure astaxanthin. He is also the COO of Cardax, a life sciences business focused on advancing pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications of astaxanthin.

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